
Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Snake Hisses

I want to tell you a story right now, based on real world events. 

This is going back like 30 years ago. Okay, I hope that doesn't make me seem really old, but it is what it is. 

Anyway, as I've said before, though maybe not here, many of my friends and teachers and classmates growing up were Jewish.

This is way before I became aware of the Jewish Question. 

Back then I was taught to believe that the Jews were an oppressed people. But I remember speaking to my High School homeroom teacher one day, a Brooklyn Jew with a PhD in Physics, and we got into a disagreement about oppressed people, because I was on a feminist kick at the time, and, anyway, I remember pointing out to him, that it's weird that Jews are so oppressed and yet they are so successful. 

He smiled and nodded in agreement.

He wasn't going to debate me after that. I was now one of them, or so I thought. 

Anyway, he was a religiously observant Jew, who attended Synagogue on a regular basis. At the time I was really into books, I still am, but back then it was new to me, and so I was all Gung Ho about it. I was interested in linguistics, ancient languages, anthropology, and archeology. My teacher, my homeroom teacher, Mr. Ph.D. in Physics, University of Berkeley 1960 something, told me one day that he had access to a large amount of Jewish Torahs that they were trying to dispose of in a graceful manner. 

I said I'd love to have one. He said something like that as a teacher in a public school that he could not give me this book because it is religious and they were not allowed to promote any sort of religious literature. Well, I convinced him to give it to me. It was really cool, it was in English, Greek, and Hebrew. It had all those languages. 

Anyway, he said that it was a Sacred Text and that he was a caretaker of it, and that he was entrusting it to me to borrow it and to take good care of it as a gesture of goodwill. 

Okay, fast forward a couple year's later. I have a garage sale. I sell some books, the Jewish Torah is one of them. Somehow my teacher comes to the garage sale, takes the book without paying for it, gives me a dirty look, as if expressing that I've betrayed him. I remember apologizing, but it was to no avail. Looking back on it now I can honestly say that at the time I had simply forgotten the agreement, or didn't think he meant it. Had it happened now I would have kept the book. I never would have tried to sell it.

Yeah, this teacher, the Jew from Brooklyn, who graduated from UC Berkeley with a PHD in Physics, eventually ended up becoming a transgender woman.  

Well, isn't that special?

Monday, March 25, 2024

Secrets of the Darion Gap

I watch this YouTube channel periodically: The Shawn Ryan Show. 

He usually has people on who are former military, intelligence agents, or whistleblowers, usually involving some type of clandestine activity or government corruption. 

Anyway, I'm aware everything coming out of this channel could be propaganda, as whenever you have these types divulging secrets, it's usually because they represent certain interests that want you thinking a certain way, that want you arriving at conclusions that they've carefully crafted for you, not because they are committed to exposing the truth, but because they are paid propagandists. 

Okay, this goes for people like Edward Snowden, too, you know is he really a patriotic whistleblower, or is he still on the company payroll, and just playing an extended deep cover role?  Obviously we'll never know for sure, but from my understanding, the fact is, the military and intelligence agencies operate a lot like the mob, that you cannot ever really leave, retire, or quit, once you become a member of those groups, you're in it for life. I mean I guess a person could become an outlaw and go rogue, but in this case, they are probably not going to have their own YouTube channel. 

Anyway, that being said, that doesn't mean that there isn't useful information to be gained here, it's just that you have to be a critical thinker, and don't just passively accept the conclusions they are giving you, but instead gather the information and decide for yourself. 

I've seen this guy before, the guy being interviewed. He's been featured on Redacted and Muckraker, as an investigative journalist whose been on location for months now covering what's been going on with the migrants coming through the Darion Gap. He's a pudgy little bald guy, didn't really think much of him, in all honesty, but apparently he's a former Green Beret. 

In this interview he talks about there being a strategically coordinated plan of sending migrants, not just into the US, but sending them to specific strategically important port cities, such as New York City and Chicago, with the purpose of causing collapse of those cities. 

For instance, by overburdening the shelter system, the hospitals, the schools, causing skyrocketing crime, drastically lowering the quality of life for everyone, and basically bankrupting the cities. 

Okay, basically it's an act of warfare. Which is not to say that all the migrants are in on it, most of them are probably just genuinely impoverished people seeking a better life, but they are being used as pawns in the game to conceal the more nefarious elements among them, who are strategically coordinating attacks on the system on orders given by a higher authority. 

Some say this higher authority is George Soros, the United Nations, and the WEF. Others point to Russia or China. Either way, whatever is happening is most likely part of the New World Order Agenda. 

The other thing pointed out in this video is that there is a new road being built through or around the Darion gap, to further expedite the amount of people coming through, but the aim is not just to destroy the infrastructure of certain key cities, but ultimately it's about obtaining control of the Panama Canal. 

I guess whoever controls the Panama canal obtains a huge amount of power over the global economy, and if it were a game of chess, taking the panama canal would be equivalent to taking the queen. 

I'm sure there's probably a lot more going on, probably involving aliens, too. I mean really, everyday there's fighter jets flying over my city, like more than normal, sometimes all day long, and I wonder if they are fighting UFO's that are not detectable to the human eye. Like there could be an invisible war going on in the sky right now. Of course the whole thing could be a PSYOP: building up to the Project Bluebeam, aka fake alien invasion and/or second coming of Christ. 

I don't know, but whatever it is things are definitely getting stranger by the day. That is for sure. 

Friday, March 22, 2024

How I Spent My Day Today

I thought it was the first day of Spring today, but I must have been confused, because I guess it was a couple of days ago. 

Anyway, since I have managed to continue working from home, at least for a bit, let's hope it lasts, this time as an independent contractor, I'm able to pretty much work whenever I feel like it, and take my breaks outside as I see fit, enjoying the moments when it is quiet outside and my annoying neighbors are not around. 

It's kind of a less than ideal atmosphere, for multiple reasons, but it's not all bad. For example, there is a large and very old tree right across the parking lot from where I live, which is the seasonal home of hawks and ravens and owls, which are always welcome company. 

I also had a hummingbird almost land on me today, and it hovered in front of me, completely surprising me, where it seemed to be looking directly at me for a moment, and then landed on a branch on the big tree directly behind me. 

I'm actually sitting on the curb of the parking lot where I live, because my apartment is completely in the shade, and I wanted to sit in the sun, and also be able to keep a close eye on my apartment.

Here's a picture from my mid-afternoon snack: 

I don't believe I am a super narcissistic person, but honestly this camera, which is an android phone, does not take very good self-portraits. 

I do realize I am getting up there in the years, but for some reason this phone distorts my face, causing some weird indentation on my nose, that doesn't really exist, and it's extremely annoying, to such an extent that I will probably either get an iPhone at some point, or a proper camera, just to be able to take pictures that more accurately reflect reality. 

Anyway, this is a great snack: Manzanilla olives, Swiss cheese, plum tomatoes, and herb crackers from Trader Joe's. I sit out here frequently throughout the day. Since I have complete control over the time I spend working, I can work for an hour, sit outside for an hour, and do whatever I see fit. 

It felt pretty warm today, though, not so much the ambient air temperature, but more so the intensity of the sun, the UV index, it felt noticeably different than just a couple days ago. So, pretty soon I won't be sitting in the sun anymore. 

Being from a cold northern climate originally, and now living close to the Mexican border, I can honestly tell you that when I was up north, especially in the Winter time and Spring, that when you get sunny days up there, even though it's cold, sitting in the sun is much more enjoyable when it is cooler outside. 

Here you just burn, and overheat, and that is not fun. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Meme of the Day

It's that moment in time when you realize that the same people pushing the transgender movement, LGBTQ, and the propaganda model of equity, diversity, and inclusion, are the same people who think that it's okay to sodomize an infant...

Hmm, the study says incest is perfectly normal. I wonder what will be next, maybe pedophilia and bestiality, perhaps? I guess the next thing to be normalized will be euthanasia. Yeah, that's already happened, I wonder what will happen next?

Probably some Jim Jones "I wonder who drank the Kool-Aid" mass death event, where billions of people just suddenly and unexpectedly drop dead? 

If I were to look on the bright side of things perhaps I could imagine that the people dropping dead suddenly and unexpectedly are really just NPC's being erased forever, people who never really existed anyway, because they had no souls to begin with, and were just virtual reality figments of imagination and not real people with meaningful lives to live?

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


So, just so you know, I have been a victim of "gaslighting" on multiple fronts. 

What is gaslighting? 

Well, when you Google it, the answer is ambiguous. But when you dig a little deeper, you realize it means fundamentally that people are lying to you, and are encouraging you to question your basic instincts of what is true or false. 

For example, when you are being treated wrongly, and the people who treated you wrongly say, it's not your fault. 

That's a huge red flag right there, and it is what I experience on a daily basis. 

I'm currently very upset, because I've been out of work for awhile, and have found a job with a company I've been doing freelance work with for the past 7 years, and have been promoted to a higher paying position paying almost double of what I've made before. 

Well, they hold back a month, and now the month has come due for payment, and I'm not receiving it. 

And I feel like I am being robbed.  

This is an example of gaslighting.

Update: Payment received. 

This does not in anyway minimize the magnitude of the gaslighting expressed in the post above, it's something I experience pretty frequently from the staff of my apartment complex. 

Where they are not doing their job right, and major problems occur, and they downplay them as being outside of their control, or act like you are somehow to blame, even though you had nothing to do with it, and were doing everything right. 

It is very difficult to deal with people who are completely lacking in reason and who are completely unwilling to take accountability for their actions and to learn from their mistakes. 

I call them the tribe of the Zika head. They're impossible to reason with. It's best to completely avoid all interaction with them, because no matter how reasonable your complaints, the outcome is rarely satisfactory, and any communication you have with them usually causes more aggravation than it's worth.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

This is one of the key insights from the video in the post below:
What are these things? 

They look like evil clowns, like a combination of a dog and a black man, a caricature of a black man on a stick, like a circus prop. 

Are they clones? Ugly clones of a slave cast? Or this must be a joke? If these are aliens, they are the ugliest aliens I could imagine. 

Of course, this could be photoshopped, but what if it's not?

Friday, March 15, 2024

Changes on the Horizon

Just a quick update. I wanted to let you know that I am definitely planning on creating a new website, possibly with the same name, but different domain, which I will have complete ownership and creative control over. 

I will likely transfer most of the posts here and put them into some sort of archive on the new site, for anyone interested in reading them again.  I also may start using Grammarly, and try to fix any typos,  without changing the fundamental content or character of the posts, just to make them a little more polished for the new site.

It will primarily be a nonprofit website, in that I don't expect to make a living off of it, but I may put up either a donation button, or affiliate links, simply to help recoup the cost of web hosting, etc. 

It's a pretty huge project, and I'm just presently too busy right now to do it, but it is definitely something I'm planning on doing hopefully within the next few months and maybe sooner. 

Until then I will continue posting here sporadically, and also likely will not delete this blog, in case I change my mind and wish to come back, although much of the content will likely be removed except for a page with some information on it and some links. 

Anyway, here's something I just found that is really strange, scary, and extremely illuminating. I thought I'd share it here without comment. I'm not saying it's true, I'm not saying I believe it, but if you have an hour and a half to spare, it's very extremely interesting. And if you don't want to watch it on this blog, I will post a link below the video.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Adventures in Synchronicity

Here's an interesting story, and it's a short story, based on the memory of real events. 

There's a grocery store that I shop at nearby where I live, that I absolutely hate, but I only shop there for the convenience of it being close to where I live. 

So, there's an employee there, who looks like a younger, and much shorter version of Rick Steves, the travel guy who tells people how to travel Europe on the cheap if you are an affluent boomer. 

Anyway, this guy works there as a grocery bagger, aka "courtesy clerk", whom I've dealt with as a customer on numerous occasions, but never before had a conversation with, and whom I previously regarded as probably retarded, mostly based on his appearance and mannerisms, you know, short, over 40, and somewhat clueless looking. 

Well, anyway, as I'm waiting in line at the store today, this guy must have been on his break, and was waiting in line behind me, and he says hi, and I say hi back, and so out of a spontaneous urge to make small talk, I ask him how his day is going. 

He says:  "I'd rather be with my books." 

I say: What do you mean? Reading or writing?

He says: Both. I'm a published author. I'm working on a new book. 

I say: Oh, really? Is it nonfiction or fiction? 

He says: I'm writing a supernatural novel. It's a mystery and detective story with a strong focus on the supernatural. Specifically, it's about vampires. 

I say: Oh, that's very interesting...

(Etc. Etc.)

I said something about the creative process, about how having a job that doesn't require a lot of mental effort, but is physically demanding without being mentally draining, is a smart idea for creative people not wanting to be so mentally drained at the end of their work day that they can't create. 

It's very strange to think that some of the people you see bagging groceries and cashiering in grocery stores, may actually be former professionals with Master's degrees. 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

What You See When You Work From Home

This is a survey that I just made up, based on a real world example from the present now.

Let's say you have no idea what's going on here, what is your first impression? 

What do you think has happened, not just literally what you see, but what do you think happened before this scene occurred, what series of events do you think lead up to this conclusion?

I'll give you a hint: Is it oil, or is it blood? 

Could there be a dead body in the trunk? 

Or perhaps, this car is a decoy and there is something being smuggled out of here? 

Yeah, right outside of where I live, literally, within footsteps...cartel country. 

I could write another annoyances and grievances rant, but I think I will just leave it at this, and let the picture speak a thousand words. 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

It's the Ultimate Dystopian Nightmare

It's a very strange world we are now living in. I think it's some kind of delay to 2012, where the world didn't necessarily end, it just shifted into something different, and we are now finally seeing the reality of those changes unfolding before our very eyes. 

AI is here to stay. It's here to replace most peoples jobs, and it's here to change the way most people think.

Soon, whenever you search Google, or any other search engine, all the content appearing on the page, including all the websites available to preview, and to read in full, will all be generated by artificial intelligence. 

It's a lot like George Orwell's 1984

Newspeak is here. Examples: We've got some new words, with new definitions. Such as, "chest feeder", "cis-female", "non-binary", and "minor attracted person". Believe me there is more, that's just the tip of the iceberg. 

Also, the memory hole is here. With Long Covid and the dementia inducing effects of the vaccine, most people won't notice, people's minds are being poisoned and reconditioned to believe in a manufactured reality that is manipulated on an hourly basis.

It's not that alternative information won't be available, it's just that it won't be available to see on the mainstream channels, such as Google. You'll have to dig deep, and think like a computer hacker to find them, it's like the Matrix. That's what is currently happening. Okay, this has been happening for awhile, it didn't just happen over night, but I'm noticing a rapid acceleration, that things are changing fast, and before you know it, you will go to sleep and wake up one day and not recognize the world you live in. 

Everything is going to be extremely censored. Actually, it already is, but most people aren't aware of it, and at the same time, while there are still alternative information channels available if you know where to look, and you can still find information that challenges the official narrative, pretty soon, unless you are a super hacker, it's going to become increasingly difficult to find them, and if you don't know what you are doing you may find yourself arrested or heavily fined, simply for attempting to discover the truth.

Not only that, but, AI, and, by extension, 5G, is being rolled out with the intended purpose of replacing people. 

You see I think I know what's going on. They are bringing in all the migrants, all the illegal aliens, as a smoke screen, to hide the mass deaths from Covid, the vaccine, 5G, and the loss of jobs from AI, and that peoples attention will be diverted from the true cause, and put all their blame on the immigrants, which will, if the plan is successfully implemented, trigger a civil war.  

After which, depending on how things turn out, if the malevolent entities win, the only people who will be allowed to maintain their comfortable positions in society, and to live a relatively healthy and peaceful life in this dystopian nightmare, will be those who out of economic necessity and a devotion to self-preservation, are willing to bow down to the authority of the AI algorithm and to do its bidding. 

It's the ultimate dystopian nightmare. 


Due to unfortunate circumstances this account has been compromised, and I may have to end this blog very soon. I know, it's like a cliché, but this time, unfortunately, I feel like I have no other choice. 

I guess I'll just have to get my own website. 

I'll leave a link...somewhere. 

Anyway, here's something super insightful to watch. 

I've always liked this movie. Even though the guy on the left is the cliché slimy Jew: short, pudgy, ugly, and allergic to manual labor, and yet, who also, despite a high incidence of clinical depression and neurosis, always appears to thrive. But, it's a great movie. Someone in the comments of that video said that it was like the first podcast, in that it was an intelligent conversation viewable to others not directly participating in it. I would agree. It's absolutely brilliant.