
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

My Reading and Fitness Goals for 2023

The year is coming to a close and this will probably be the last time I post this year. So thought I would give a few updates concerning my goals for the new year. 

As always, two of the biggest priorities in my life have been maintaining good physical fitness, which means exercising consistently, and maintaining my steadfast devotion to lifelong learning, which means reading a lot of books. 

Since the beginning of the pandemic, and working full-time from home for almost two and a half years now, I've been staying home a lot more and also reading a lot more, but at the same time I've definitely gotten slightly out of shape. This is probably because for years I've commuted year round on my bicycle, riding to and from work every single day, rain or shine, riding at least 50 miles a week for years. So just riding to and from work, gave me my 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a day. But working from home it all stopped. I only road my bike maybe once or twice a week to run errands on my days off, and so even though I did some exercise, it wasn't nearly as much as before.

It's possible I had a bad case of Covid last year, because I had to stop exercising completely for a few months because I had an abnormally rapid heartbeat, difficulty swallowing, and shortness of breath. Was really sick for a week, lost ten pounds, when I was already borderline underweight, and thought I was going to die, where I could barely walk to the mailbox without my heart rate maxing out. Well, a year later, I feel healthier than ever, and determined to get not only back into shape, but to get into the best shape of my life.


Ok, so I've always been naturally athletic, even as a kid I was usually one of the first kids picked in gym class, and so it is fair to say that I've rarely ever not been in shape. I never really had to work hard to get into shape, it just came effortlessly to me, but the difference this time is that instead of just maintaining my fitness, it is now my goal to take my fitness to a new level, to become significantly stronger than ever before. This will be done primarily with calisthenics: pushups, pullups, crunches, dips, squats, and burpees, along with running and longboarding.

My fitness routine will be more focused with specific goals that are more challenging. Before, I used to work out just enough to maintain a decent level of fitness, but without actually getting any stronger. Well, now, I decided I need to get stronger, my upper body strength sucks! I've been neglecting my chest and abs for years and it is finally time I do something about it. 

Like, for instance, this month I've been doing 100 pushups everyday. When I first started I could barely do one pushup, now I can do 10 perfect form pushups, and 20 not so perfect. Doing 100 pushups is actually easier than I thought it would be. You just break it up into sets, and space it out throughout the day. I've been doing it everyday, even though I was under the belief that it is not good to do pushups everyday, but guess what, it's okay to do so for at least a short-term basis without hurting yourself. It was really about getting into a routine and building up discipline, and in this short time, I feel noticeably stronger. I thought about doing a before and after picture of myself, but then I realized I usually regret posting pictures of myself, so it's not necessary, but I will say that there is an improvement, my shoulders are more pronounced, my chest is slightly wider, my belly flab is not quite as pronounced. It's a small improvement but it's noticeable. And that's just in a month, maybe in a year I will look like an Olympian. 

One thing I will add is that I found it best to do regular pushups, as opposed to wall pushups, or knee pushups, aka "girl pushups", and if you can't do a perfect form pushup, then you just don't go down all the way, I call them mini-pushups, and you will gain strength, and as time goes by your form will improve and you will be able to go down all the way within a few weeks.

The month of December I've been focusing almost exclusively on doing pushups, but for January, instead of doing pushups everyday, I'm going to only do pushups four days a week, but increase the reps, from 100 to maybe 150, which will probably be 50 in the morning, 50 in the afternoon, and 50 at night, with added rest days, and additional challenges, like 100 triceps dips, 100 crunches, 100 squats, etc. 

So the focus will be in getting stronger with measurable documentation of progress. 


As far as reading, I will continue consistently reading, but with the added difference of it being more focused reading, picking a subject and reading several books on the subject, before moving on to another subject. 

In the past, even though I was an avid reader, you could also say that I had scattered reading habits. Back in the days before I had a Kindle, and when I was on a more frugal budget, most of the books I read were whatever I happened to stumble upon at the public library that caught my eye. So I was all over the place. Which is fine to some degree, it's good to diversify your reading, to read widely, both fiction and non-fiction, to become knowledgeable on many subjects. But the thing is that if you really want to achieve mastery of something you need to learn a lot about it, which means reading many books on whatever subject you want to master. Whereas if you read 20 books, all on different subjects, while you may know a little bit on many subjects, you won't really know a lot about one subject. 

So that's the difference now, I'm trying to become more focused in my reading habits. To read many books on one subject, before moving on to another subject, unless of course I discover the subject to be excruciatingly boring, in which case it's best to move on. And now that I have an ebook reader, I have access to more books than ever before, and can pretty much read anything I want to either for free, or at a major discounted price compared to the hard copy version. 


Currently I'm interested in learning about the Jews and the State of Israel. And so probably the next twenty books or so I read will be on that subject. And no, I am not an anti-Semite, even though some of the books I read may be interpreted by some to fall into that category. Even if I were Jewish, and I learned that there are books written that accuse the Jews of having committed great acts of evil, I would want to know about it, to find out if it's true, because I am interested in knowing the truth, no matter how unpleasant or disturbing it may be. 

Are Jews not interested in knowing the truth, if it makes them look bad as a people? That seems to be the case in my experience. It almost seems like the word anti-Semite is a word used to shut people up, and to avoid facing a disturbing issue that they don't want people to think about or to know about, even though it is true. Because that is I think the real issue at hand, is it true, is it anti-Semitic if it's true, is it not true simply because it could be interpreted as being anti-Semitic? 

That seems really dumb, or a form of Orwellian doublespeak. 

And if it's true, why would a Jew not want to know about it, and do something about it, to speak out against it, if what is spoken of is evil, and morally wrong? When a person says something offensive about the Jews, why do all Jews take offense, and consider it a personal attack? 

You know, I'm white, if you point out evil things committed by white people, I don't feel offended by it, because you know, it wasn't me. Same thing for my nationality, I'm American, if people in other countries criticize America, I don't feel personally offended by it, especially since most people that criticize America, are talking more about the military, big corporations, and politics, not the average person on the street.  But the Jews are different. If a person commits a crime, or does something terribly evil, and you mention that they are a Jew, and you notice a pattern, of many Jews being involved in it, such as Ponzi schemes, pornography, price gouging, and usury, suddenly you'd think you've waged war on them all, when that is clearly not what you said or what you meant. 

So, anyway, I find this topic extremely fascinating, and it is currently what I am reading about. Other topics I plan to read about are transhumanism, transgenderism, and the ways that humans are being intentionally dumbed down and poisoned by people who may or may not be in a certain cult that goes by a name that begins with the letter J. 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

December 17, 2022 - Miles Mathis

The Matrix: Follow the white rabbit

The more I read about the Jews, the Illuminati, and the New World Order, the more convinced I am that this stuff is not conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact, and then suddenly all these horrible things happening in the world, these crimes against humanity, the poisoning of our bodies and our minds and our planet, it all makes sense if the people responsible for it aren't human, but are a hostile alien threat, like in the movies The Arrival, They Live, and The Thing (1982). 

Here's a quote I came across today:

IT'S ALL FAKE. You aren't living in a Republic or anything like it, and never were. You are living in a Matrix of lies told to break your mind, wash it, and fill it with whatever mush suits the suits. You are a cow to be milked by the merchants and nothing more. The world isn't run by capitalists or even plutocrats, it is run by a predatory cabal of old families who have owned it for five thousand years or more, and they are corrupt beyond all imagining.


Comments: The selected quote was actually in response to the recent disclosure on Tucker Carlson about the CIA being involved in the assassination of JFK. Where Tucker is trying to come across as this renegade truth seeker journalist, exposing the deep state, when let's say what if the event was staged and never really happened, and in actuality Tucker is himself an embedded deep state CIA operative. 

I first learned about Miles Mathis only just a few months ago, when I found a link to his website on the dark web. He's a very prolific conspiracy theory writer, and has written hundreds of articles suggesting that numerous historical and current events are actually staged events, meaning they are fake, and never actually happened, at least not in the way it is claimed. 

I'm not saying I believe this, I don't really know what to believe, I have no way of proving it either way, but I like to gather different viewpoints, and it's interesting to me. Well, I read through several of his writings, and my first impression was honestly that he may be schizophrenic, but that was before I knew anything at all about the guy. I didn't know at the time that he is also a very prolific and accomplished artist, with hundreds of paintings showcased in galleries around the world, and is also a scientist and mathematician, having published books on the subjects of advanced physics and calculus. 

Now I am only at a high school level math and science, so it is beyond my level of knowledge to really comment on the validity of his claims in those areas, but it is apparent to me that he is a person with an extremely high IQ and could justifiably be called a modern renaissance man. So because of this I've become a regular reader of his blog, and am not so quick to dismiss his claims, no matter how crazy or farfetched they may seem at first glance. I am especially intrigued by his comments on sunspots, and need to refresh my knowledge on the subject, because we appear to be headed for some unprecedented events in that area. 

If you haven't heard of Miles Mathis, or read any of his writings, I encourage you to check it out, and see for yourself, whether you think this guy is a madman, or a 200 IQ genius. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

December 3, 2022 - Vaccine Shedding

This is a really important video. I hope you watch it. It is my belief that the mRNA based Covid-19 vaccine is a slow acting bio-weapon designed to destroy the immune system. It's basically an injectable form of AIDS. What this video shows is that just like an STD, the vaccinated infect others through close intimate contact.

Original Title: Shedding Concerns: "It Looks Like the mRNA is Transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated" 

Comments: The primary points of this video are 1) People injected with the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines can pass on the vaccine to others, through a process known as vaccine shedding, which typically occurs through the exchange of bodily fluids: blood, saliva, breast milk, etc. 2) It is unclear if or when the mRNA vaccine will ever leave the body, meaning it may "accumulate with no way of getting rid of it" and 3) the bombshell revelation of this video is that this mRNA vaccine attaches to the human genome and permanently alters the genetic code of the host. 

What this means is that when two vaccinated people have a baby, that baby will be born with the synthetically altered genetic code. Obviously, because this vaccine causes widespread damage to the immune system, many people are going to die from this, but not everybody, maybe some of the infected will adapt and their immune systems will recover, but they will still be genetically modified.

Questions: So does this mean that those newly born people with this altered genetic code become the property of the pharmaceutical companies that own the code? 

The other question I'm concerned about, that I haven't really gotten any clear answers about yet, is that does harmful exposure to vaccine shedding also occur from just being in the same room with someone, breathing the same air, touching the same surfaces, and if so, do masks offer any protection against the phenomenon of vaccine shedding? 

And of course, what does this mean for the food and water supply? Animals are being vaccinated. If you eat meat, fish, poultry, dairy products from animals that have been given the mRNA vaccine, will you get it too, via the process known as vaccine shedding, simply from consuming these products? Is there no escape? Have all the wells been poisoned, so to speak? 

Is this part of the transhumanist agenda, to fully sever the divine nature of humanity, by making a new human, with a new genetic code authored by the new gods, the owners of your synthetically altered DNA, where "you will own nothing and be happy"?

I have a bunch of speculative ideas of where this could go, but I think I'll save it for another post.

Anyway, I really hope this is just a science fiction conspiracy theory, and not true. And if it is true, hopefully these evil "geniuses" aren't as smart as they think they are, and human beings have the strength and resilience to overcome this obstacle and not be destroyed by these forces of darkness. Because, guess what, while it may not be entirely clear why they are doing this, the fact remains that it is clearly evil to give a person a poison and tell them its a medicine, and it is clearly evil to conduct medical experimentation and genetic manipulation on a population without their knowledge or consent. 

That is what I believe is happening. The reasons I can come up with to explain why they are doing it are only speculative, but clearly people are being experimented upon, poisoned, damaged, genetically modified, and it's really sickening.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

November 27, 2022 - Pizzagate

I'm not a fan of Alex Jones. I think he's a crude, loud-mouthed, obnoxious, sensationalistic fearmonger.  However, I agree with everything he says in this video clip below. 

Original Title: PIZZAGATE 2.0!!! Balenciaga Blown Wide Open as Public Awakens to Elites’ Pedophile Agenda

Comments: I was kind of late to hear about QAnon and Pizzagate, only really taking the time to understand what it's all about in the last year or so. Before that I just automatically dismissed it as some completely insane conspiracy theory with absolutely no truth to it, invented by far right Trumpers solely to damage the Democratic party. 

But I've since come to the conclusion that there is some truth to these allegations, maybe they aren't literally blood drinking vampires sacrificing children in satanic rituals, but there are indeed extremely wealthy and powerful people who are for whatever reason abusing children and getting away with it, and the Department of Justice is complicit in a big time cover-up about it. It's so big it goes to the highest levels of global power, the Vatican, the Mafia, Royalty, Heads of State. Jeffrey Epstein was part of it, a global blackmailing operation, to cater to peoples most evil twisted desires, or to force them into it, like making a pact with the devil so to speak; you do this horrible thing, you become property to this thing that is bigger than you can imagine, but then you get all these perks, fame and fortune, whatever you want, you gain the world but you lose your soul. 

The problem with Pizzagate and QAnon though is that those theories suggest that these crimes are primarily being perpetrated by liberals and Democrats, but that's not true, it's definitely across the board, including Republicans, conservatives, religious people, and atheists. It's a very dangerous subject matter to get your nose too close to, because it is my belief that anyone who gathers incriminating evidence implicating any of these super high level people will end up dead. It'll look like an accident, but it will be murder. It's truly despicable to see these people getting bolder by the day, trying to normalize mental illness, flaunting the abuse of children, pedophilia, sadomasochism, and transgenderism (which is really genital mutilation, sterilization, and the inversion of truth).

One of these days I will write a more comprehensive essay on the subject, but I definitely won't be winning any popularity points for it, and will probably lose the few readers I have left. But that's okay, I suppose it's better than just deleting the blog. Might as well go out with a bang, write about the most controversial subjects possible, and see how long it takes before I get banned, simply for exercising my freedom of speech and voicing an unpopular opinion. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

November 22, 2022 - Died Suddenly

If you want to know the truth of what is really happening in the world, then sometimes it is necessary to expose yourself to information that is extremely disturbing. 

I recommend all readers of this blog check out this video presentation below on "the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history."

Original Title: Stew Peters Presents: Died Suddenly 

Update: Here's a good article pointing out some of the problems with this video.

Comment: Most people don't plan to die, especially if they are young and healthy, but it happens, and lately it seems to be happening a lot. Are these drug overdoses, suicides, accidents, or murders? Nope. Previously fit and healthy young people are just dropping dead suddenly and unexpectedly. I wonder what it could be? Could it be vaccines? 5G? Overexposure to pesticides, weed killers, chemtrails, toxins in the food and water supply? 

Whatever it is it's happening, and this video may offer some clues.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Some Thoughts on Free Speech

Free speech is under attack in America. I feel like I'm living in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. Where up is down and down is up and thought crime is rapidly becoming a reality. 

Since when is it a crime to speak the truth, if the truth is offensive to someone?

Since when is it a crime to voice the opinion that white lives matter? 

Well, since now, apparently. According to the ADL, "White lives matter" is now classified as hate speech and associated with white supremacy. 

But it's okay to say "black lives matter" and it won't be associated with black supremacy, even if a black power activist who truly hates white people says it. 

That's really strange. It's almost like by censoring "white lives matter" they are communicating the message that "white lives DON'T matter."

So basically white people are bad, everybody else is good. 

What else can't you say? You can't say anything against transgenderism. 

What else? You can't speak out against the Covid-19 vaccine, and if you do, and you work in the medical field, you risk being fired, or losing your license to practice medicine. But if you are just a regular person who doesn't work in the medical field and you know someone who was damaged by the vaccine, or maybe you yourself experienced an adverse side effect from the vaccine, and maybe you're permanently disabled by it, and so you post about your experience on Twitter, and maybe if your post attracts enough attention, you get labeled a kook, a "crazy" anti-vaxer, a "dangerous misinformation super spreader", and the result is you get your account terminated. 

Anything else you can't talk about? Well, I'm sure there's a bunch of other stuff, but the biggest sacred cow of all, the one taboo that you are absolutely not allowed to talk about, to post about publicly, is to say anything critical of the Jewish people, to say anything that could even remotely be considered anti-Semitic. And you don't even have to actually say it yourself, all you have to do is link to a movie, a book, or article with anti-Semitic ideas, without the added disclaimer that it is evil and you don't approve of it, and that's enough to get your account terminated. 

This is what recently happened to musician Kanye West, and NBA basketball player Kyrie Irving. 

1) All Kanye West did was a) he wore a "white lives matter" t-shirt in public and b) he made a negative remark about the Jews dominating the music industry, suggesting that he'd been screwed over one too many times by the Jews. Okay, that's not verbatim, but that's the general idea. Now as a result of those two actions he's losing big time sponsorships, estimated to be around a billion dollars loss of income. He also had his Twitter page suspended, but has since been reinstated. 

2) All Kyri Irving did was share a link on his Twitter page to a movie, that some consider to be anti-Semitic. That's it, and for that "horrible" crime of exercising his freedom of speech, to link to a movie he liked, he's labeled an anti-Semite, even though he says he's definitely not an anti-Semite, because he's Semitic himself, and he's been suspended from playing NBA basketball for the Brooklyn Nets, and fined $500,000, and has to publicly apologize to a bunch of Jewish organizations. I guess he's supposed to get down and kiss the heels of their boots, begging for forgiveness, to show his masters that he will be a good obedient boy from now on, and will never post anything anti-Semitic again, or else it will be the end of his career. 

By the way, the name of the movie is "Hebrews to Negroes: Wake up Black America". It's based on a book. I'm anticipating it will be banned soon, so out of extreme curiosity, and not wanting to miss an opportunity to read a good banned book, I quickly purchased a copy yesterday, and it will be the next book I read. I'll try to do a follow up post once I do. 

I'm not a fan of Kanye West, by any means, I'm not a fan of his music or any of the crazy Kardashian drama, and not really being a basketball fan, I never even heard of the other guy before this, but they should have the freedom, at least when they are off the company clock so to speak, and in their own spare time, to think whatever they want, to wear whatever they want, and to express opinions that others may find offensive whenever they want. And if they don't, that leads us to the next conclusion, that the price they pay for their fame and fortune is to give up their freedom of speech. 

I mean it's not like they committed an actual crime, or incited a riot, or advocated the use of violence against anyone, so what they said should not have warranted the kind of response they got, in my opinion. 

But I guess they didn't get the memo when they got the job, that there are certain things they are not allowed to say even though it is not illegal to say them. Being that they are celebrities, whose bosses are either primarily Jewish, or who are beholden to Jewish financial interests, they crossed a line that they didn't know they weren't allowed to cross. 

Apparently what they didn't know is that all of their fame and fortune comes from wealthy Jews, and they are really nothing more than well paid mascots for the sports and entertainment industry, who are rewarded well for their obedience, and punished harshly for their failure to toe the line, but ultimately by giving up their freedom to say what they really think, without fear of losing everything, they have unwittingly become slaves, and didn't even know it.                             

Thursday, October 27, 2022

October 27, 2022 - Covid-19 and 5G

The Link Between 5G, Covid-19, and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome 

Originally titled: A New Way to Die: SADs 

Archives of the Dr. Rima Truth Reports Published October 12, 2022 

Related Websites: 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Video Games Revisited

I'd like to write now about video games. I resurrected an earlier post I wrote on the subject, "Coming to my Senses", simply because it is relevant to this post, and I changed my mind on a few things I wrote back then. 

When Playing Video Games Moderation is the Key

I've previously written about my early addiction to video games, and how I gave it up because I considered it a waste of my time, better suited for more enriching activities like reading. 

I still feel that reading is a more intelligent use of time, but video games, when used in moderation, can be a relaxing way to unwind when you don't feel like doing anything else. I consider video games to be in the same category as watching a movie, or a television show, or reading a magazine, or a simple novel. It's definitely not the most productive use of your time, but is just a way to relax when you feel you need a break from more serious projects. 

Playing video games really only becomes a problem if you do it too often, or causes you to neglect more important projects. For instance, if you never read, and you neglect your health, and you fail to get outside and exercise, and aren't really learning new things, but instead you're spending all your free time playing video games and neglecting everything else, then that's a problem. Like even if you work full-time, but spend your days off playing video games all day, every single week, I would say that is not healthy either. I mean you have the right to do it, but if you want to actually grow as a human being and realize your full potential, then playing video games all the time really could interfere with that. 

So it's really important to find a balance between relaxation and productivity, and it's okay to play video games once in awhile, as long as you are also making time for activities that are more mentally enriching and contributing to your health and fitness and overall prosperity.

I don't really spend that much time playing games, because my time is limited, and there are only so many hours in the day, and maybe I only have four hours, and the choice is between reading a book, watching a movie, playing a musical instrument, or taking a walk, and any time spent playing video games means less time for doing anything else. So, really I only play videos games when I'm not in the mood to do anything else, or if I'm just feeling too mentally exhausted or physically drained to concentrate on anything more meaningful. 

My Favorite Games

Right now I am basically only alternating between two games: 

The Long Dark and This War of Mine. I'm also a fan of the Fallout series, especially Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Fallout New Vegas, but I'm not playing those at the moment. I really enjoy survival games and post-apocalyptic RPGs. I also enjoy books and movies in that genre as well. 

Well, anyway, The Long Dark is an excellent survival game, and is probably one of my favorite games of all time. It takes place in the Canadian wilderness, and your character is the lone survivor in a plane crash, in a world where apparently most of the people were killed off by a cataclysmic event. And the whole point of the game is to survive as long as possible while exploring different regions of the game world. It's just you and roaming packs of wolves, and other wildlife, some non-hostile like deer and rabbits, and others like bear and moose that will try to kill you first chance they get. 

The main obstacle is staying warm, followed by finding food, water and shelter, and defending yourself against hostile wildlife. What I find most fun though is exploring different locations, and finding new gear.

It's a really fun game, but one of those really time consuming games. I tend to play it in bursts, a few days in a row for a few hours, and then won't play it again for a few weeks, sometimes a few months, and then come back to it, and it's always fun, has never gotten boring. 

The other game is called This War of Mine, which is sort of a survival strategy game, involving resource management, where you control 1 to 4 characters sheltering in a damaged house in the middle of a warzone, where half the time is spent fortifying the house against looters, making sure your characters are in good health, and the rest of the time is spent looting other buildings at night and defending yourself against attackers. 

This one is definitely the more casual game of the two, and I sometimes play this in between calls when I'm working, if I don't feel like reading. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The Truth About Conspiracy Theories

In my pursuit of the truth I've been reading a lot of conspiracy theory literature. Actually, it's my go to for daily information, but I am not so naive as to believe it to be all true. Far from it. You've got to be a very cautious and discriminating reader. Never accept a statement as fact without checking the sources. And this goes for the experts too, who are definitely not above getting it wrong.

Depending on your source, particularly if you're looking at some reddit conspiracy forum, where anybody can post, or a place like, where the links are all over the place, you will find that conspiracy theories are often a mixture of truth and fiction. 

You've got blatant sensationalism, completely made up or misleading stories generated solely for their click bait shock value, aimed at maximizing ad revenue and very little else. In other words, it's all about the money. Some people make a good living off of it, they don't care if it's true, all they care about is if it sells. 

Then you've got the garden variety trolls, people who think it's funny to make up some completely crazy, outlandish story, and to get as many people as possible to believe it, so that they can have a good old hearty laugh at their expense. In other words, it's all about the Lulz. 

Then you've got legitimately mentally ill people, paranoid schizophrenics, who live in a world of angels and demons and feelings of persecution and internal delusion, who publish their conspiratorial fantasy as fact, as if their own personal horror story is mass projected onto the whole world, where they are no longer alone, but the whole world is now in on it. 

Then you've got pure speculation, creative people of sound mind brainstorming conspiratorial possibilities, as a sort of science fiction thought experiment, that is kind of fun to think about, and to talk about with others, and it may or may not be true, but nobody is claiming anything definitively.

Then you've got disinformation agents who for whatever reason infiltrate conspiracy theory channels (but also do the same for mainstream media as well in the form of press releases and Reuters news feeds) and drop false leads, maybe for reasons of national security, or for corporate espionage, such as attacking the competition, or downplaying negatives (such as cigarettes causing cancer or vaccines causing injuries), or for manufacturing consent (as in selling an unpopular war, product, service), who have a vested interest in misleading, misdirecting, and manipulating reality for reasons of power and profit at the highest levels of corporate and governmental interest.

Then at the bottom of the conspiracy theory hierarchy, you've got the true whistleblowers. Regular people who have identified a great verifiable evil being committed by a powerful entity, a great cover up of blatant greed, corruption and lies, who have absolutely nothing to gain from disclosing this information, neither in the sphere of power or profit, other than in that doing so benefits the greater good. For instance, if they have evidence that a product is killing people without their knowledge or consent, it may be in the public good to let everybody know about it. And maybe the mainstream media won't give them the time of day, because the mainstream media is funded by the entity they wish to expose, and the only place that will broadcast their message is the world of conspiracy theory.

So, that's pretty much the full range of information you can expect to encounter while perusing conspiracy theory literature. It's difficult to navigate, for sure, but it's important to look at, simply because sometimes there's nowhere else to look. You will find, at least in regards to certain subjects, that the world of conspiracy theory is the last bastion where underground knowledge has the freedom to circulate.

You've just got to know how to look, where to look, and if you look the right way, in the world of conspiracy theory, it is possible to find truth in a forum of lies, and only a fool would completely dismiss it without even looking at it and verifying the facts for themselves. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Commercials no longer human?

I generally don't watch much television, haven't had cable for over six years now, but when I do, with the exception of Netflix (which I probably won't keep) I stream the majority of what I watch online for free, which is mostly YouTube, Tubi, and Freevee. 

Since I haven't watched cable TV for years, I'm not sure if the streaming TV commercials are different than what's shown on regular cable TV, but I've noticed something peculiar happening the last few months with the streaming commercials, particularly on the free apps Tubi and Freevee. 

I've noticed that many of the streaming commercials are clearly being narrated using Artificial Intelligence, and what's really bazaar is that not only is the voice not human, but the script is often improper English, suggesting the commercials are originating outside of the US, probably China, though not absolutely certain about that, and written by people not fluent in English. 

You probably have some exposure to what an AI voice sounds like if you've ever used a virtual assistant like Cortana or Siri. Well, I've had a little bit more exposure than that, because one of the freelance side gigs I've done in the past was listening to audio files and evaluating experimental AI voices for qualities such as naturalness, professionalism, situational appropriateness, emotional warmth, and overall likeability.

So, after listening to hundreds of audio files, I've got a good ear for what AI voices sound like, and not sure if other people have noticed this, so I'm putting this out there for the benefit of anyone who may not have been aware of this, that they are in fact using AI for voices on some TV commercials. 

This relates I think to a news story I heard not long ago about China experimenting with using holograms for TV presenters, which may or may not be AI based, and were testing if viewers could detect the difference between a hologram and a real person without telling them about the experiment. Apparently most people were fooled, or never suspected anything different about the news presenter. 

I've always suspected something off with the NBC news presenter, Lester Holt, who always seemed kind of robot like to me. Like I wondered could this guy really be an android right out of Westworld, or maybe he's a hologram, or maybe he's not even real. I mean I've never met the guy, how do you know if the people you see on TV are even real, they could be AI based simulations. Which is not to imply that they are all simulations, but that some of them could be, as the experiments in China have proven it's been done before.

On a somewhat related note, what's up with this guy's neck? Either he has some undisclosed medical problem, or he's not human. I showed this clip to my mother, who is not in the least bit conspiracy theory minded, and she said something like not only has she never seen anyone do that, but she said this guy looks like he doesn't like humans much. 

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Humans are now hackable animals

"Humans are now hackable animals"
Translation: "Evil Noah is Here"

So, I was up late last night, doing what I do, which is either reading my book, surfing the internet, or streaming programs, and taking notes. I'm not blogging too much lately, because I'm on a computer all day for work, and so by the end of the day, typing anything more than a couple of paragraphs can be somewhat difficult, due to issues with eyestrain. 

Anyway, last night I found the picture I posted above, along with the video presentation it was taken from, and I was really disturbed by it. Of course, I was drinking my India Pale Ale and smoking a tiny bit of cannabis, so perhaps I was looking at things from a perspective I normally wouldn't see. But I was looking at the name, "Yuval Noah Harari", playing around with creative word association analysis, and thinking that could read, "Evil Noah is here". Like a doomsday prophecy. I know, silly, right?

I actually have one of his books, Sapiens, which I've previewed but haven't read yet. It's possible I was put off by its atheistic tone. Now I realize this guy is a key player in the transhumanistic agenda. He's not just some obscure intellectual who writes books, he's become this major advisor to Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, who is another sinister character in the transhumanistic agenda. 

Then I thought to myself: How could this relate to another news story just released, like this: 

The Human Genome Project pieced together only 92% of the DNA – now scientists have finally filled in the remaining 8%

Then I thought: What other factor could have contributed to this completion of the sequencing of the human genome?

Could it be the pandemic, or rather all those millions of nasal swabs collected from peoples Covid-19 tests, where they failed to properly inform people that they were also collecting their DNA?

CDC Says 10% Of COVID Swabs Sent to Genome Lab, Raising Privacy Questions

So now humans are hackable? What's the plan going forward? I guess I'll have to read Mr. Evil Noah's books to find out. But in the meantime this presentation may offer some clues. 

Will the Future Be Human? - Yuval Noah Harari

In case you don't have time to watch it I will highlight one phrase, which I've taken the time to transcribe: 

"In the coming generations we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds. This will be the main products of the economy. Of the 21st century economy. Not textiles and vehicles and weapons, but bodies and brains and minds. Now how exactly will the future masters of the planet look like? This will be decided by the people who own the data. Those who control the data, control the future, not just of humanity, but the future of life itself."

And another gem:

Yuval Noah Harari: "And then the big political and economic question of the 21st century will be: what do we need humans for? Or at least. What do we need SO MANY humans for?"

And his answer: "At best guess we have to keep them happy with drugs and computer games." 

My question is: Just exactly who does he mean by "we"? I'm guessing it's not average Jane and Joe Shmoe on the street. He doesn't really say specifically, other than hinting at it's whoever owns the data.

He also said: "History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods."

My comment: So, basically the vast majority of humans will be placated with drugs and video games, harvested for their organs and used as batteries to power this massive 5G enabled supercomputer that you plan to upload your consciousness to so you get to pretend to be God? Am I right? You know this is going to backfire right? I mean you say it will be the end of history, I mean if by that you mean a mass extinction event, which probably will include both you and your supercomputers, then yeah could be. 

Okay, I haven't become some Bible thumping Born Again Christian, but I swear this sounds like the anti-Christ to me. Either way it can't be good. But I'll let you judge for yourself. 

Monday, February 7, 2022

Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon

I just finished reading the book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream. I don't do book reviews. What I do instead is give the book a rating, on the scale of one to five, and then make a few comments about it. It's the lazy way, but it works for me. 

Anyway, I gave this book 2.5 stars. It wasn't a bad book, but it felt rushed and incomplete, like the author tried to fit in too much information, without really connecting the information in a meaningful way. It's like he took all his research notes and tried to squeeze them all into this book 'as is' without telling an engaging story. Ultimately this book raised more questions than it answered and left me with a feeling of complete information overload, but I did learn a few things. 

Basically, the idea is that 1) Laurel Canyon, and by extension Sunset Blvd, was the birthplace of the hippies. 2) That most of the countercultural rock stars that settled there in the 1960s had family connections to military intelligence. There's too many names to list, but a few examples include Jim Morrison, David Crosby,  and Frank Zappa. And 3) there was a classified military intelligence facility located in Laurel Canyon, with a fully operational movie studio, which was not made public until modern times. 4) With the hippies, and the birth of psychedelic rock, came the consumption and widespread promotion of psychedelic drugs. There was heavy drug use, promiscuity, and exploration of the occult. To cater to the drug fueled hippies, a drug trafficking industry was born, and with it came prostitution and pornography, and the emergence of hippie communes and satanic cults. 

The main theory of this book I think is that the whole drug fueled hippie countercultural phenomena was a PsyOp. It did not happen naturally, but was socially engineered. That there was an agenda, and the hippies were actors in a story they did not write. That possibly the whole thing was this massive mind control experiment. Give people drugs, encourage them to engage in behaviors that are unhealthy and immoral, and convince them that what is happening is good, and that there mind is being expanded and that they are being liberated.

Besides the hippies, the rock stars, the drugs, and the cults, there was also a huge amount of unexplained murders and suicides and all sorts of weird phenomena going on in 1960s Laurel Canyon. Most notable were the Manson murders. But there were many more that occurred long before the hippies even arrived on the scene. Maids and butlers that ended up floating dead in the pool or thrown out of windows. Numerous suicides and car accidents that seem a little fishy. There were huge multi-million dollar mansions from the 1920s that looked like something out of an old black and white horror movie, with peepholes in the eyes of paintings, secret levers with hidden passageways behind book cases, and subterranean tunnel systems all over the Canyon connecting different houses and parks, with evidence for occult activity having occurred.

Anyway, since I've never been to California, and prior to reading this book, didn't really know much about the history of Laurel Canyon, which is located in the Hollywood Hills outside Los Angeles, what I did while reading it was supplement my reading with looking up pictures from the era online, looking at archived photos of the people and houses and specific locations mentioned in the book. I also went on YouTube and looked up some of the bands and listened to a sampling of songs. I was already familiar with a lot of the music groups from the era, was a huge Doors fan back in my teenage years, but some of the music I wasn't too familiar with. Most notably Frank Zappa, which I had heard of, but didn't really listen to, and the band Love, which I don't think I ever listened to, or if I had heard it didn't know who it was. I don't know how I managed to not listen to Love before, because their really good. 

This is the best album of there's by far: Love - Forever Changes (1967)

In closing, here's a sample from that album: