
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Yuval Harari and the AI Death Cult

I want to say one more thing about Yuval Noah Harari before I move on to other things. 

In one of his lectures he says: 

"Netflix tells us what to watch, and Amazon tells us what to buy. Eventually within ten or twenty or thirty years, such algorithms could also tell you what to study at college, and where to work, and whom to marry, and even for whom to vote."

Comments: He presents this like it's a good thing, but it's really about controlling people, eliminating consciousness, and destroying the human race. Because what ultimately makes people different from, and arguably better than, animals and machines, is our ability to reason, to think, to ask questions, and to make conscious choices. 

If you remove those elements, you get a person who no longer has free agency. Instead, you have a person who becomes the perfect consumer, the perfect conformist, the perfect dutiful robot who does what they are told and doesn't ask why. 

In another presentation, he talks about his experience of finding out he was gay, how long he struggled with it and how emotionally difficult it was for him, and how much better it would have been if he had simply been told he was gay from day one, basically saying that if only the technology had existed to determine a person's sexual preference at birth, the world would be a better place. 

In both of these examples he is suggesting that it is better to be told by some authority what you are, rather than having the freedom to figure it out for yourself and to ultimately make your own choices.

His philosophy embraces the rejection of free will, in favor of determinism, but since Harari also rejects God, his source of determinism comes not from God, or from the natural order of the universe, or even from reality itself, but rather is coming from Artificial Intelligence. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what that sounds like to me, he wants to remove the authority from God and from people, and to give it to AI. 

But the thing is AI is programmed by people, and AI is owned and ultimately controlled by people, the people who own all the data and who have all the money, who have their own political biases, conflicts of interest, and agendas, so its content is not neutral or objective, and is severely open to manipulation, and even hacking. It sounds like these people who agree with Harari, namely members of the World Economic Forum and advocates of technocracy and transhumanism, it's like they are some kind of weird cult that doesn't believe in God, but they seem to regard AI as something to replace God, something that will be the ultimate authority, and judge, and shaper of reality and determination of everything that a person is and does. 

So what happens if everything you do is determined by a computer algorithm? A computer program tells you what to buy, what to eat, what books to read, what to study in school, what career path to follow, who to be friends with, who to date, where to live, what to do, and what to think. When you take away a persons freedom to make their own choices and to think for themselves, the person becomes a slave to their "destiny", they become like a robot, a member of a hive, or a brainwashed member of a cult, with no consciousness of their own. And that's the society that Harari and the World Economic Forum he represents are seeking to create. 

It's basically Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

If you never read that book, or watched the movie, it's not a utopia, it's a dystopia. It's not about genuinely making the world a better place to live in for all, it's not about empowering people, it's about consolidating power, and increasing control of the many by the few. It's kind of like how things are now, but only 100 times worse. 

In case you didn't notice, I'm not a fan of Yuval Noah Harari. Although I haven't read his books yet, I've watched numerous interviews and have read several articles highlighting what he believes, and what he stands for, and I can honestly say that not only am I opposed to everything this guy represents, I truly believe that despite how supposedly smart and well read and how highly regarded he is by much of the global elite, I think my problem with him is not simply a matter of ideological difference, it's more so coming from my intuitive observation that this person is severely mentally ill, as in being a bona fide psychopath, and could quite possibly be a victim of mind control, and maybe even demonic possession. 

You know, after all he is a gay man, and gay men who engage in anal sex, are prone to contracting anal parasites, which from an occult perspective is said to be a potential pathway for possession, which typically manifests as corresponding symptoms of mental illness, lack of empathy, the rejection of the true and the beautiful, and the embrace of ugly perversions. 

I know that sounds crazy, especially if you don't believe in occult phenomena, but I'm just calling it like I see it, that this guy is clearly a very spiritually damaged person, and it shows most dramatically in his lack of empathy, and his egomaniac hubris. 

What makes his ideology so dangerous though is that Harari has the backing of extreme wealth, he appears to be one of the masterminds, or at least the primary intellectual spokesperson for the New World Order, and there is nothing more dangerous than a cabal of wealthy psychopaths, who not only reject God, because they think they are above God, but who also have the hubris to reject humanity, too, because they believe that they have the intellectual superiority to engineer something better. That because they've got AI and 5G and are soon to unleash an army of humanoid robots into the marketplace, who don't think, who don't reason, who don't question, and so they become perfect slaves, which is their ideal worker.

It's the ultimate act of egomaniac hubris, not only do they reject God, but they seek to usurp the power of God, by becoming gods themselves, and eventually eliminating the vast majority of humans by replacing us with AI powered robots engineered in a lab, and perhaps keeping a few of us around as genetically modified androids who have lost the ability to think, who they keep as pets and for other amusements, or perhaps to help supervise the robots when they end up not performing completely up to standards. 

It sounds like science fiction, but it's actually very real. These people are completely insane and they have so much money that they think they have the power to remake the world in their own image, even if it destroys the world in the process. This doesn't have to happen. People can resist, put up a fight, and stop it from being implemented, but the fact is this is definitely what they are planning, and Harari is the main spokesman for this agenda, which pretty much sounds like it's some kind of an AI death cult, promising immortality and superhuman abilities for the chosen ones of the elect, and death and enslavement for everybody else.

Monday, December 4, 2023

A Bleak Forecast for the Future

Harari "The Demon"
Beautiful nose,
but ugly soulless eyes
and pointy demon ears. 

Yuval Noah Harari on "useless people":

"The biggest question maybe in economics and politics in the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people."

"The problem is boredom, and what to do with people, and how will they find some sense of meaning in life when they are basically meaningless, worthless. My best guess at present is a combination of drugs and computer games as a solution for most." 

Comments: What is a useless person? Someone who doesn't have a job? Someone who doesn't have any money? I lost my job to AI, does that mean I'm now useless? Does that mean that the homeless, the disabled, the children and the elderly, have no value either? 

Who says that having money and a job is the sole measure of a persons worth? I work for money but actually I value my free time much more highly than my time spent on the clock as an employee. What I do outside of work is personally more meaningful to me than what I do at work. So this concept that a persons value is solely determined by their occupation, and if they can be replaced by AI it now means this person is useless, is such a flawed and foreign concept to me.

Of course, you need to have some form of income, and having a job that contributes something of value is good for your mental health, but it is by no means the total measure of ones worth as a human being. Anyone who says otherwise is really diminishing the human experience, and is thinking in quite limited terms. I think that attitude is one that can only arise from a materialist perspective, one which is completely lacking in self-knowledge and wisdom. The notion that human beings value is solely determined by their economic contribution, is symptomatically arising from the blatant rejection of God, someone completely lacking the perspective which recognizes the sacred divinity inherent in all living things. 

To me the most valuable experiences in life cannot be measured in terms of money or economic output.

I think this whole concept of categorizing humans as either useful or useless, must be coming from the point of view of the slave master, which is who Harari represents: the people who own the data, are the people with all the money. People like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos and the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. 

That's what we are really talking about here, the rich versus the poor, where the rich will get to live forever, and the poor will get to be euthanized and branded as obsolete. 

Harari says that they will be given drugs and video games, but why would they even bother to give them that? What do they get out of it? 

I think it's a lie. Instead, I think the people that Harari represent plan to kill everybody that they deem to be useless. Whether it's through vaccination, biological warfare, turbo cancer, guns and bombs and nuclear war, mass starvation, global warming, global cooling, death from freezing to death, or death from being cooked alive. 

What if they have the technology to control the weather, to cause floods and droughts, ice ages and blizzards, heatwaves and wildfires? What if they have the technology to trigger a pole reversal? The elite get to hunker down in their fallout shelter for 10 years, and have the knowledge and resources to resurface to start the world anew, with all the useless eaters removed. 

That's a dystopic vision. It may not happen, but it could. 

So what happens when AI and robotics replace all the jobs performed by people? I mean it could happen. I never thought truck drivers and cashiers and retail stockers could be replaced, but they can, with self-driving vehicles, self-checkout lanes, robot stockers and drones, it is theoretically possible for most jobs to be replaced by machines. Even professional jobs, doctors and nurses, writers and teachers, advice columnists and therapists, could be replaced by AI. For now the blue collar trades, like plumbers and electricians and police officers and firemen, seem secure, but even they eventually could be replaced by robots. Even prostitutes could be replaced by AI powered sex dolls that look like supermodels. 

Honestly, there's probably no job immune. If you haven't been laid off yet, it's coming, it's just a matter of time.  I think Harari knows this. And I think that's what it all comes down to, whether you are useful or useless comes down to whether you are rich or poor, whether you are in the club of very important people, or not.

Your only hope is if you have money and resources to survive without being somebody's employee. If you end up on welfare, or qualify for social security, you'll probably be put on a list for liquidation at some future time. 

Otherwise, the only other hope is that laws are drafted and enforced that forbid artificial intelligence from being allowed to replace every job. It doesn't have to happen. They could make it illegal. Even if they have the ability to develop robots and AI that can do every job that humans currently do, it doesn't mean they have to. Perhaps they could make sure to preserve enough jobs to keep people occupied. Also, working doesn't have to be all about making money, it could also be about improving physical fitness, about learning, socializing, and having fun. 

Also, I think learning is a huge factor in experiencing a meaningful life. Not everybody likes to read. That doesn't mean they aren't smart or don't know things. Some people prefer listening to podcasts, watching videos, and talking to smart people that teach them things directly, like an oral tradition of acquiring knowledge and skills, learning by listening, observing, and by actually doing, rather than reading. Many people hate school and would never want to go back. But learning doesn't have to be a chore, it doesn't even have to be useful, it can be fun. Even the poorest student must have things they are interested in, that they'd probably enjoy learning more about. Whether it's sports or cooking or woodworking or motorcycles, playing a musical instrument, or learning how to box, hobbies can be cultivated and should be encouraged. 

The fact that the only thing Harari can suggest to occupy these so-called useless people is to give them video games and drugs, and I suppose some sort of universal basic income, which is really a euphemism for welfare, instead of promoting education and the virtues of following ones own bliss for its own sake, and that it's possible to cultivate a sense of joy and wonder at any age, and doing so is absolutely instrumental to making life meaningful, even more so than money and occupation, suggests that this guy is not working in the interests of humanity, but rather is working as a dark force hellbent on our destruction.

I think the solution to the problem is clear. AI has got to go, and by extension this means 5G and the Internet of things. Of course, they say that it's here to stay, and failure to adapt is my problem not there's, but unless it's regulated, tightly controlled, and prevented from completely taken over every every aspect of our lives, it's going to lead to a massive extinction level die-off event, and I don't know how it's going to be stopped, but I know it must happen. It's either them or us. I see no other alternative. 

Otherwise, someday in the future you may find yourself living in a pod, eating bugs, and playing video games like a lobotomized zombie, while being slowly boiled alive like a frog in a witches cauldron, as they've got you drugged up on a slow drip of state sponsored euthanasia. You drank the Kool-Aid, and mistakenly thought you were going to live forever in this welfare utopia of video games and drugs, but all along it was all a big fat lie, and you were really just a pig being fattened up for slaughter. 

Friday, December 1, 2023

Running Update and Recommended Clothing

So I've been running for a few months now, and I'm definitely making good progress. I'm not feeling sore anymore after my runs, because I've learned the importance of warming up and stretching, which has made a world of difference. 

Am currently running about a 12 minute mile, which is slow, even for my age, but when I first started a few months ago, I was like in the 14 minute range, which is embarrassing, but you've got to start somewhere. I'm currently running two miles, 2 to 4 times a week, with the goal being to run 3 miles in 30 minutes or less. 

Before the pandemic, I was actually very fit, road my bike thousands of miles a year, for several years, and also did a lot of hiking, though only ran occasionally, and back in 2020 my VO2 max was about 38, which was good for my age group, but thanks to the pandemic, working from home and not riding my bike to and from work anymore, and also getting really sick in 2021, which was probably Covid, but I wasn't tested so I don't know for sure, I pretty much stopped exercising for a year, and my VO2 Max actually fell down to 32 for a bit, which is really bad, but over the last year my fitness has been substantially improving. 

I've finally been able to raise my VO2 Max back up to 37, which is in the good range for my age group, and I feel confident that I'll be able to raise it up to 40, which is in the excellent range, in a few months. 

I actually feel very good and am presently experiencing the best health of my life, and feel even stronger and healthier than I was before the pandemic, even though I'm three years older. 

Anyway, now that the weather has finally cooled down around here, with temps today in the 50s, I thought I'd mention some of the clothing items I wear for cooler weather running and cycling, which I've recently added to my wardrobe, which have turned out to be some of the best purchases I've ever made, that I now consider to be absolutely essential and would never want to go without. 

1) Neck Gaiter. 

Rain or shine, hot or cold, whether running, hiking, longboarding, or cycling, I never leave home without wearing a neck gaiter. When worn over your mouth and nose, it protects against dust, car exhaust, and bugs. It offers sun protection. It keeps you warm when cold, and it helps to keep you cool when hot. It can also be pulled up to cover your ears, or worn as a hat. I used to wear a bandana around my neck, but the neck gaiter seems more versatile, and also looks better.

2) Arm warmers. 

These are mostly marketed to cyclists, but they work for everything. I find them to be extremely useful, and I don't know how I went so long without trying them. Again, they are extremely versatile, use them to provide extra warmth, and also to provide sun protection. What's really nice about them is that it's easier to regulate your temperature then wearing long sleeves. They provide better ventilation, where not only can you roll your sleeves up, you can also roll them down, venting your armpits. They also take up very little space, so if you overheat, you can easily take them off, and pack them in a pocket.

3) Leg warmers. 

To me, because I live in the desert, it's usually very sunny all year round, and so even when it's cold outside, with the bright sunshine, it can feel pretty warm, and is easy to overheat, so cycling specific leg warmers can be preferable to wearing tights, and even pants, especially when running or cycling. I prefer to wear shorts, and the leg warmers make it easier to regulate your temperature, and are much easier to remove then pants when out in public, and just like the arm warmers, they take up very little room, and are easy to roll up and stuff in a pocket. 

4) Merino wool t-shirts. 

This is something I just upgraded to a couple months ago. I've previously been wearing synthetic fiber athletic t-shirts and cycling jerseys when exercising, but besides smelling really bad, the synthetic materials may also transfer to your skin, crossing the blood brain barrier, and may cause hormonal disruptions, which is definitely not good for your health. Also, because I use natural deodorant, which doesn't last very long, I was getting tired of leaving a trail of stink, whenever I'd go into stores. 

Ever since I switched to wearing a lightweight merino wool base layer, I've had no BO at all. It's truly a miracle fiber. I mean, I could wear the same shirt for two weeks, without showering, run or ride my bike everyday, and do an intense cardio work out, and there will be no bad odor whatsoever. Merino wool is like a natural deodorant. It actually has anti-bacterial properties. It just seems like I'm regulating my temperature better than before, it keeps me cool when it's hot and warm when it's cold, and I'm not sweating as much, and overall I'm feeling much more comfortable, I absolutely love it. 

I bought four lightweight merino wool t-shirts when they were on sale, because they can be kind of expensive, some brands being as much as $100 a piece, and I just rotate them. I wear them everyday, 24 hours a day, for running, for cycling, for sleeping, for everything. Merino wool has truly become a wardrobe essential. And if I ever have to dress up, or wear anything nicer, I will wear it as an undershirt. And I also plan on eventually upgrading to merino wool shorts and pants and underwear, but at over $40 a pair, it'll have to wait.

5) Patagonia Houdini Windbreaker. 

This was kind of expensive, but really worth it. I get so much use out of it. What I really like about it over other windbreakers I've tried, is that not only does it do a really good job at blocking the wind, it's super lightweight, packs down really small, and most importantly it's breathable. It keeps you warm when you need it to, but you will never overheat wearing this. It's the best wind breaker I've ever used, and I think it is well worth the extra price, especially if it will last for many years, which I think it will.

Of course, add to this list, a good pair of running shoes, running shorts, running cap, sunglasses, and a running watch with heart rate monitor. What do I use? 

Shoes? Brooks Ghost. Shorts? I've been wearing these Roadrunner Sports 5 inch inseam running shorts, and am very happy with them. Hat? Outdoor Research Sun Runner cap. Sunglasses? Bolle wraparound with polarized lenses. Watch? Garmin Instinct 2S. An extravagant purchase, but I use it all the time, and am very happy with it. 

Also, I always bring pepper spray, and depending on the temperature, or how far I plan to run, usually a small water bottle. I never wear headphones when running, as I run in an urban environment and need to be aware of my surroundings. And there are some terrible drivers here, that will run you over if you are not paying attention. 

Monday, November 20, 2023

On Aging or Why People Look Young or Old

In my post A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, I made a comment that I believed my youthful appearance was more so the result of my genetics than actual lifestyle habits. 

Well, in response to a recent post by Miles Mathis, on aging, I thought I should elaborate a bit more, as well as explore some of the multiple factors involved in why some people age better than others.

(By the way, surprisingly I'm more of a hippie than Miles is, except I don't believe in "free love", and lean more conservative than I used to, but I love patchouli oil, I drink beer, and sometimes smoke pot, but lately am leaning more towards CBD.)

There are two primary reasons why I think genetics is a stronger predictor than lifestyle in whether a person appears youthful.

One, if you look at a group of children, even babies, that are all the same age, and the same race, you'll notice that some look older or younger than others. Of course, it could just be dietary or environmental influences, but personally, I remember classmates who looked older or younger for their age as teenagers, that when I saw them again 30 year's later, it was pretty much consistently the same, that the ones that looked older then, still looked older now, and the ones that looked younger then, still looked younger now. And I'm sure there are exceptions to this, like if any of the youthful looking ones had become crackheads, I'm sure the outcome would have been different, but in general I've found this to be the case 99 percent of the time, that people that looked older as kids, usually looked older for their age as adults, regardless of the cause. 

Why would this be? Could be that the people who looked older for their age as kids, were more likely to engage in activities that promoted premature aging, such as smoking and drinking and bad diet. And the more youthful looking people like myself, were less likely to engage in habits that promote aging, or if they did, were more likely to only do so in moderation, or were more likely to quit before it caused any noticeable damage.

So there could be some correlation between having youthful genes, and being naturally predisposed to engage in healthy habits and to avoid unhealthy influences. 

But what about the ones that used to look younger for their age, but now don't? Well keep in mind that looking youthful is pretty much synonymous with looking healthy, so if you look prematurely older than your actual age, especially if you are over the age of 30, it's probably a pretty good indicator of some underlying illness. If you could effectively cure the illness, let's say cancer, that persons appearance is going to improve, and they'll probably look younger too, once they are completely free of the illness. So it may not necessarily be that they didn't age well, but just that they are sick. 

Two, both my mother and my mothers mother, looked very youthful for their age. My grandmother had a healthy youthful glow even into her eighties. So, there's a genetic connection right there, three generations, that all looked youthful for their age.

The strange thing about my grandma though is that she wasn't even really that health conscious. I mean she wasn't athletic. She rarely exercised at all. She ate a traditional American meat and potatoes diet. And probably didn't drink enough water. But she never smoked or drank, other than a glass of wine around the holidays, and never used recreational drugs. She also wasn't taking any prescription medication in the last decade of her life, and stopped getting the flu shot on her own, when she noticed that every time she got the flu shot, she got the flu really bad, and as soon as she stopped getting it, she rarely ever got sick. She never overate. She never overindulged. She was very strait, conservative woman, and probably the complete opposite of a hippie, but she had grace. She was also a very nice looking woman, very social, extroverted personality, with really good people skills, was a very kind and generous person, and even though we didn't have much in common, we got along really well. 

In a recent post by Miles Mathis on aging, he comments that he doesn't believe genetics is a satisfactory explanation for a persons youthful appearance, simply because while he still looks youthful at age 60, his brother who used to look younger for his age, has aged terribly. 

So if you've got two siblings, and one ages gracefully, and the other one doesn't, then there must be some other reason then genetics.

It's true that if you look at people in your extended family, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. that in most cases some have aged better than others. I wish I could say that everyone in my family looked great for their age, but honestly some haven't aged well at all. This is true. So if I have good genes that are responsible for my youthful appearance, how come not everyone in my family has it? 

Of course, there are many factors. 

1) One of those factors could be blood type. People in your family, which although they share common genetics, may have different blood types. I don't know the blood type of everyone in my family, but I do know that I have the same exact blood type as my mother and my mothers mother, which happens to be a very rare blood type, and all three of us looked very youthful all our lives. So, there could be a blood type factor to looking youthful. And which could also explain why two brothers, who share the same genes, could age so differently, having totally different blood types. 

Now if their blood types are the same, then obviously that would negatively effect the validity of that argument, but not having any siblings myself, I really can't say for sure. 

2) Another potential factor could be astrological. The exact date and time and location of your birth, could have some bearing on whether you appear youthful in old age, or not, if you believe in that.

3) A very good point Miles mentions is that of grace. A person living in grace, inwardly beautiful, spiritually pure, being a good person, might appear younger. What are some of the characteristics of grace? Being open and honest. Unpretentious. Being humble and meek. Being kind and compassionate. Trustworthy. Ethical. Not wishing ill will upon anyone. Not stealing or cheating. Not taking advantage of, exploiting or profiting off of another person misfortune. Not getting rich at another persons expense. It means how you act when no one is looking, that your soul remains clean and unblemished. Anyone who lives in such a graceful manner, it must show on their face, manifest in the way they look, and could perhaps slow down the aging process. 

4) Rest and Relaxation. Stress is a big killer, so it's probably a big contributor to aging, too. One reason people may prematurely age is if they aren't getting enough good quality sleep. Also, being all work and no play, isn't healthy for your soul either. Why? Because contrary to what the materialists want you to believe, you are not a machine, you are a living divine soul, but if you insist on living like you are a machine that doesn't need to rest so long as you drink a bunch of coffee, parts are going to start breaking down just a like machine, from all the extra wear and tear and overuse, and you'll start looking like a corpse, pale yellowish gray complexion, soulless lusterless eyes, and old before your time. 

5) Occupation. Where you work and what you do for a living has a strong impact on the quality of your life, on the quality of your health, and whether you age gracefully or not. Occupational hazards are a real thing. Almost every job has some negative associated with it. Working under fluorescent lights all day, is not exactly conducive to health. Looking at a computer screen all day, isn't ideal either. Exposure to chemicals, strong smells, bright lights, loud noises, repetitive motions, heavy lifting, etc. is something that may have some bearing on whether you age gracefully or not. 

6) Diet, exercise, lifestyle habits, etc. Of course, anybody who destroys their body with drugs and alcohol, or has a terrible diet, with high stress, and doesn't exercise, or who works in an unhealthy occupation, such as coal miner, or foundry worker, it would take a miracle for even the most youthful, graceful, and beautiful looking among us, to still look youthful after 30 plus years of abuse. 

The point is youthful looking genes give you a genetic advantage, which may predispose you to making healthier choices, but it doesn't make you immortal, and it doesn't make you immune to the damaging effects caused by bad habits, negative thinking, exposure to infectious diseases, or environmental and occupational hazards and risks.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

My Favorite Longboarding Videos


So, when I was a kid I used to ride a skateboard. I road for probably three or four years, between ages 12 and 15. I was never really a skater per se, back when that was a major subculture, as I couldn't really do tricks, and being a skater was all about tricks, even though I tried and tried to ollie, and actually knew some really good skaters in my neighborhood, with full size skateboarding ramps in their backyards, some of which were semi-pro, literally one of the guys made it into Thrasher magazine, who showed me a few things, but other than riding up and down curbs, I could never really pull it off. 

I wasn't a poseur though, because even though I couldn't do tricks, I was actually really good at riding it, you know just cruising around. I was a natural. Could even switch feet, effortlessly, which is a more advanced skill, usually requiring quite a bit of practice, but I could do it first time I tried. I had really good balance and coordination, and good stamina, and when I got a decent cruiser board, with big wheels, I could go for miles and miles, and had a lot of fun doing it.

Fast forward 30 years later

I had been watching a ton of skateboarding videos on YouTube, and decided I needed to learn how to ride again, and so a couple years ago I ended up buying a Landyachtz Dinghy cruiser board. 

Oh my god, bad idea. That skateboard is an awesome skateboard, but is not really beginner friendly. It's super fast, and a bit too small. I fell the first time I road it, and realized that after all these years, I'm not as graceful as I used to be, and riding a skateboard is really hard, especially when you haven't ridden one in over 30 years, especially if you are over 40,  and don't have health insurance, and realize that it would be financially devastating if you fell off your skateboard and ended up in the hospital. 

So I took a break, realizing that I wasn't ready for this skateboard. I needed something a little bigger, wider and more stable. I needed a longboard. I originally got the cruiser because it had a kicktail, and was thinking I would be doing tricks on it, but I realize now, I'm not going to be doing any advanced tricks at my age, you know as they say tricks are for kids. I may be youthful looking, but not that youthful. I just wanted to ride, I wanted to feel like I was surfing, and I wanted to get a good work out, but also something that was capable of going long distances, something in between running and cycling, and something that I wouldn't break my neck, or my hip, riding.

Buying My First Longboard

After doing extensive research I ended up buying a Pantheon Pranayama, which is probably the best board on the market for mostly flat, long distance commutes. 

I've had it about a year now. It's an awesome board, is really easy to ride, and most importantly, I haven't fallen once. It's not really for hills though, which is fine, because I'm not ready for that anyway. I've been riding it mostly for fitness, mostly as an alternative to running, and so would usually do laps in a school parking lot, near where I live, usually 3 to 5 miles per session, averaging about 8 miles per hour, and would eventually like to go on some longer distance day trips, on some of the bike paths that surround the city. 

But I'm actually taking a break right now, because I've started running again, and am kind of too sore to do both, but have been making some great gains in improving my VO2 max, which took a nosedive during the pandemic, but I'm slowly getting back on track, and once I get better at running, and can run 3 miles without being really sore the next few days, I'll get back into longboarding. 

In the meantime, here's a list of my favorite longboarding videos, that really inspired me to get into this sport, and motivated me to go out and buy my very first longboard ever. I may add some more videos later, if I find any I've forgotten.


2) 1 Year after Learning Push Switch | Pantheon Pranayama | Hong Kong Longboard Commute

3) Longboard Crusing in London.

4) LDP Paris 29 novembre 2020

5) My First Ride on the Landyachtz Switchblade 38 Longboard

6) ENDLESS ROADS (complete movie, with Longboard Girls Crew)

Comments: How odd, when I first watched this, I thought these women were a bunch of trannies. You know biological men pretending to be women for financial gain, and the notoriety of being the first "female" to break some new record. It's disgusting, I think it should be outlawed. I still have my suspicions about the blond though. You don't see too many female longboarders. Though I think there would mostly be some interest among those who either surf or snowboard.

7) Get In The Van 2 - Longboarding Full Length Film

8) Pantheon Pranayama Review - A masterpiece

Comments: This is a great board, and is very beginner friendly. This is the one your grandma could ride, just maybe use a cane or paddle, and you'd be good to go. And of course wear a helmet! It's mostly for flat terrain though, so if you plan to ride down hills, I would go with the Pantheon Trip. It's exactly the same as the Pranayama, except it's slightly longer and higher off the ground, having different trucks, which also makes it slightly harder to push, and less portable to carry, but more stable at higher speeds. 

9) Dinghy - Landyachtz - Best Cruiser Board
Comments: This is a fun little board, but unless you are in your twenties (or younger), this is not a beginner friendly board.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Down the Memory Hole

An Italian study has found evidence that the Covid jabs cause extensive brain damage. 

But I've also heard it stated elsewhere that getting Covid itself can cause brain damage, even among those who are unvaccinated, and that every time you get Covid, even if it appears to be a mild case, even if you have no symptoms at all, every time you get it it causes a little bit more damage over time, which accumulatively can manifest in extensive neurological damage.

So maybe after once or twice, it manifests as mild brain fog, with slight memory loss, and difficulty concentrating, but after a dozen times or more, it manifests as full blown dementia and psychosis. 

What happens if people keep repeatedly getting infected with a virus that causes brain damage, memory loss, and mental illness, is there ever going to be a point reached in which they become permanently, irreversibly brain damaged, to such a severe degree that they are now completely insane? And we are talking about you know a huge amount of people here, at least 200 million people in the United States alone, and world wide the number could be in the billions. 

Is that when the zombie apocalypse happens, after we get jabbed repeatedly enough, be it from the vaccine, or from recurring Covid reinfections, when the majority population eventually descends into a primitive state of full blown mass induced psychosis? 

It's strange because lately, at least on the internet streaming TV, I've noticed a lot of new commercials for schizophrenia medication, after rarely seeing commercials for it before, suggesting that maybe schizophrenia could be on the rise. 

It reminds me of a video I watched a year ago, which I've been wanting to write about, but I lost the link, and I cannot find it anywhere. You see a few months ago, I decided to clean up my bookmarks. I had thousands of links saved, mostly of stuff I started to watch or read, but never finished, and figured I'd revisit it later, but it was becoming impossible to navigate, you know information overload, so I deleted a bunch, figuring I had too many links saved, that I would never be able to read it all, so I figured I'd start over. Unfortunately I lost some really good material, because at the time I didn't think I would need to refer to it again, or if I did I figured I'd have no problem finding it again. But a lot of this stuff isn't being indexed by search engines, so unless you save the link it gets memory holed forever. 

My Memory of the Memory Holed Chinese Whistleblower Video

Anyway, it was a video posted to a conspiracy theory website -- and it may have been the Health Ranger at, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so it could have been somewhere else, or maybe they deleted it -- and it was supposed to be some Chinese whistleblower scientist exposing the real origins of Covid-19. 

In the video, their identity was blurred, and they didn't speak English, so it was being translated into English, but basically what they said was that Covid-19 was made in a lab in China, specifically for the purpose of creating an experimental drug for making Chinese citizens more compliant and docile. Unfortunately, although at first it appeared to work, over time it became apparent that people were also becoming progressively brain damaged from it, with symptoms resembling advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease, which eventually coalesced into a violent delirium.

In these trials, where random groups of people were intentionally exposed to Covid-19 without them being aware of it, and without having any knowledge of the experiment itself, basically being unwitting guinea pigs in a government experiment run amok, but as soon as these scientists observed the severe cognitive damage unfolding before their eyes, the Chinese authorities sought to isolate these people, which means they brought in the police and the military wearing hazmat suits, and rounded up these people using extreme force, locked them up against their will and isolated them in quarantine camps, where they ended up descending into full blown madness, which ultimately culminated in death. 

It is unclear specifically what caused them to die, whether it was the virus itself, or an interaction with the virus and some other element, such as 5G, or the vaccine, or a failed drug treatment, or if they committed suicide or mass murder, you know like a bunch of zombies locked up in a room together until they eventually rip each other to shreds. I didn't watch the entire interview, because it was pretty long, and I wasn't really sure if it was real, or just another hoax. Since the bread and butter of, just like, tends to be fear porn, which I'm trying to minimize my exposure to lately, so I don't read those sites very often anymore. 

But in light of the Italian study I posted a link to above about the Covid jabs causing brain damage, and also being aware that Covid itself could cause brain damage, I thought of this whistleblower video, and wondered if there could be any merit to it. Too bad I lost the link though. I've got to keep better records, because the internet is being censored more than ever before, and a lot of good stuff is being memory holed forever. So it's really important to backup the important stuff, and maybe keep a written list of website addresses, because some of them are still accessible, but are becoming harder to find, that if you lose the link you may never find it again.

Now I don't want this to be just another fear porn post, so I will end with something positive. 

So, I don't know if this is true, if any of it is true, including the Italian study, but what I do know is that everyone is vulnerable to brain damage, everyone is susceptible to memory loss and to cognitive decline, and having lived through a series of traumatic experiences, which everyone who has lived through the pandemic, has experienced some degree of trauma, it's really important to take care of yourself, to improve your mental health, and to boost your brain power. 

But it's not enough to get adequate rest and relaxation. It's not enough to get adequate physical exercise. It's not enough to have healthy human relationships, and to experience joy and happiness in your life. It's not enough to be mentally stimulated and enriched, reading, learning new skills, activating different regions of your brain, etc. No, it's still not enough. On top of all that other stuff, you also need specific nutrients and supplements that actually protect against and help to reduce and reverse brain damage. 

Specifically, we need to find what treatments will help protect us from this neurological assault, and I'm hoping it can be found in natural remedies, rather than pharmaceuticals. And so far, the one thing I keep hearing about is something called Natto, or Nattokinase. It's an enzyme that comes from fermented soybeans. I hear it's good not just for heart health, but also brain health. And may help heal the damage caused by the vaccine, as well as from Covid itself. 

Now I don't know enough to say much more about it at this time, but as I learn more I will post more information on this subject, of what we can do to improve our chances of surviving, and not just surviving, but thriving with our minds fully intact. 

Because that's what I'm about, finding solutions that work, rather than just complaining about everything that doesn't. It's not healthy to focus solely on the doom, and on the profound evil and injustice of the world, you need positivity and hope, which means you need actual realistic solutions, because otherwise, what's the point? 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Value of Rest and Relaxation

In my last post about natural remedies for treating Covid, I left out possibly the most important thing of all, which is the value of rest and relaxation. I guess I took it for granted that it was so obvious that it didn't need to be stated. But sometimes people despite knowing what they should do, end up ignoring their gut instincts and doing the exact opposite. 

There are many reasons for this. Perhaps they underestimate how sick they really are, or they overestimate how strong they are, figuring that as long as they take a few treatments, that they can continue their daily activities as normal. Perhaps they are a workaholic and don't want to stop, needing to push forward no matter what. 

The working poor are at the biggest disadvantage here, perhaps they cannot afford to take the day off from work, or perhaps they have no sick pay coming to them, and if they don't work, they don't get paid. Or maybe they will not have enough money to pay their bills, or maybe they might risk getting fired. Or maybe they are a parent or caregiver responsible for other people, perhaps small children, or elderly persons, and if they are sick in bed resting, it means there is no one available to take care of their dependents. So the poor have it the hardest, are more likely to force themselves to work when sick, and have a higher death rate as a result. 

But rest is so vitally important that failure to do so, particularly at the first signs of feeling unwell, can be the difference between life and death. 

I'm not rich, and by some peoples estimates, I would be classified as being poor, but I would never define myself as being poor, because I have savings, and I have everything I could possibly need, and am not in want of anything. Even though I am currently unemployed, I'm actually doing okay. Only because I'm a saver. When I'm working I am always saving for a rainy day. I know how to live frugally. I also do not have children. I keep my expenses low. I can survive a long time without working, even without help from my family. The point is it's possible, even if you are working poor, to save for a rainy day, to have a nest egg to see you through, to give you the peace of mind, that if you are sick, and can't work, that you can afford to rest and recuperate. 

It just comes down to your priorities in life, of what you value most. Do you want to live from check to check, forced to work when you are sick, and putting yourself at risk for early preventable death? Or do you make sacrifices in life, and figure out how no matter how much or how little you make, in the way of money, you can still manage to save as much as possible, so that you will be prepared, so you don't have to live check to check, or work when you are sick. 

You know, for whatever reason, whether it's because you really need the money, fear losing your job, or simply because you are a workaholic who can't stop, that you force yourself to work even when you are sick, what good is it all for if you end up dropping dead suddenly from exhaustion? Same thing with vaccine mandates. People forced to get a vaccine in order to keep their job, but what good is it really, if you end up permanently disabled, or dying suddenly?  

It does happen. And I'm talking before Covid, too. You'd hear about these super healthy and athletic young people in their early 30s and 40s, dropping dead from the flu, all because they wouldn't stop to rest. So, yeah, rest is so vitally important. If you are feeling a sickness coming on, load up on extra vitamin C, completely stay away from sugar, and junk food, and follow the other treatment methods mentioned in the previous post, but most importantly, make sure you take a rest day, or two, or three; depending on what you need, because it is not worth playing Russian roulette with your life. 

Rest is just as important as any medicine you take, in fact, any treatment you take pretty much requires that you combine it with adequate rest for it to work. Otherwise, if you take a medicine, whether it's prescribed by a doctor, or whether you are using a natural remedy such as garlic, or raw honey and onions, if you don't receive adequate rest while taking it, it slows down the healing process, and it pretty much makes it ten times harder for you to recover. 

So, please, if you are feeling sick, make sure you get plenty of rest and relaxation, because doing so really can be the determining factor in whether you live or die, and will make all the difference in speeding up the healing process, so that you can get back to what you need to do, stronger and healthier than ever before.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Simple Home Remedies for Treating Covid

It's been about two years since I've last been sick. And because I had been working from home during the entire pandemic, and haven't traveled out of the city, or used public transit, or ate out at any restaurants, or attended any public entertainment venues, I have actually never been tested for Covid, either. But I did get really sick back in 2021, lost ten pounds in a short period of time, had difficulty swallowing, rapid heart beat and shortness of breath without exertion, and felt like I was going to die, and I speculate that it very likely could have been Covid. 

I mention this because I've been sick the last few days. It started the middle of last week, with a bit of a tickle in my throat, and a dry cough, and in a few days ended up developing into extreme fatigue, headache, sore throat, and just a general feeling of not being well. 

Since it had finally started to cool off around here, which means highs in the 80s and 90s, instead of 100s, which is still kind of hot, but after such a long stretch in the 100s, it felt surprisingly comfortable, so I've been getting back into riding my longboard, and taking long walks, alternating between running and walking, improving my VO2 Max, and working on running a 5k. So I did a lot of high intensity exercise last week, but as I said I noticed a dry cough starting the middle of last week, and was also really sore from my last longboard workout, where I did four miles in 30 minutes, and so I decided to take a couple days off, but Sunday, I started feeling much worse, and Monday, I could barely get out of bed, so I pretty much slept Monday and Tuesday, and I woke up early this morning with severe insomnia, feeling dead tired, and couldn't get back to sleep, and had a terrible headache, and sore throat. So I smoked some CBD, and was able to get back to sleep, and after lounging in bed all day, am feeling a bit better now. 

So, I thought I would write a post about some of the things I did in the past when I was really sick, which may have been Covid, and the methods I used for self-treatment which really worked, and helped me feel much better. 

1) Vitamin C.

Like I said before, this is the first time I've been sick in two years, and I think the reason why I've gone so long without getting sick, is because of three habits I've consistently applied to my life since the last time I was sick. The first one is daily supplementation of Vitamin C powder. I don't like to swallow pills, so I prefer taking it in powder form, you just add it to a glass of water and drink it. I've been taking 1000mg of Vitamin C twice a day, everyday for the last two years, and it's really helped a lot. 

If you are really sick, and things don't seem to be improving, I would easily recommend increasing your daily vitamin C intake to 10,000 mg a day. You don't want to take it all at once though. Take either 500mg or 1000mg every hour, or every other hour, over a ten to twenty hour period of time. It's completely safe. The worst that can happen will be loose stools. You'll have to experiment with what you can tolerate, but definitely if you're sick, you can take more than 2000mg of Vitamin C per day. You just don't want to take it all at once, because it won't get absorbed, you'll just end up peeing it out. So, if you spread it out, taking smaller doses, over time, it will be more effective. Only do this when you are sick, when you are healthy, stick to the 1000 to 2000mg per day, as a preventative dose. 

2) No refined sugar. 

The second habit I've implemented is to eliminate most sugar from my diet. I've completely cut out cookies and pastries and ice creme and pancake syrup and chocolate from my diet. I do still sometimes have granola bars, which has some sugar in, but for the most part I eliminated 99 percent of all refined sugar from my diet. 

Since I have done this I have not gotten sick at all. And maybe it's a coincidence, but last week I broke down and bought a Danish Kringle from Trader Joe's, just because it was a long established family tradition to eat Kringle over the holidays, and it was a new flavor I never tried before, Pumpkin Caramel, and so of course, not long after that I get sick. Of course, it could just be a coincidence. I did however wear an N95 mask at every store I went to last week, but who knows maybe I unconsciously rubbed my eye or something when I was in the store, or maybe it was that trip to the deli I went to, when I normally never go to deli's, and I noticed a worker sneezing in the back, while the man was preparing my order. Or maybe it was that last day I went for a long walk middle of last week, when I noticed there were a lot of chemtrails in the sky, you know maybe some covert program to dump a new virus down unto the unsuspecting populous. Or maybe it was that last time I was at the grocery store, last Friday, and there was a lady using a bunch of coupons, and there was a problem, and so it seemed like I was waiting in line for a really long time, and standing next to this super chatty fat man, breathing all over me. But a couple days later I could barely get out of bed. 

So, anyway, a good way to avoid getting sick, or to at least minimize the symptoms, and the duration of the sickness, is to take daily Vitamin C, and to eliminate refined sugar from your diet. I'll never know for sure, but I really do believe that having that piece of Kringle reduced my immunity, and made me more susceptible to getting sick, so I will not be eating any more of it, and from now on, I will be diligently avoiding all refined sugar, which means, no more thanksgiving apple or pumpkin pies, and no more birthday cakes, no more donuts, no more chocolate bars, no more pancake syrup, no more jellies or jams, and no more sweets. The only sweets I'll have will be limited to the occasional raw fruit and honey.

3) CBD.

The third thing I've been using is CBD flower, which is a non-psychoactive compound found in the hemp plant, and is actually legal in all 50 US states. It's a very effective pain reliever, if you ever have a headache, or sore muscles, CBD really does work, and it's also a natural and effective sleep aid, and helps to reduce inflammation, is very relaxing, and is helpful with anxiety and depression, and may be useful in treating Covid-19. You can buy it online, and 100 percent recommend getting it from Tweedle Farms. The prices are reasonable, the shipping is very fast, and it's 100 percent organically grown. You don't have to smoke it, it comes in multiple forms, including edibles, topical ointments, as well as tinctures. From this vendor, I recommend Kush Flower, as a sleep aid, do not use during the day, unless you want to sleep; Remedy, for pain relief, day or night, it's relaxing without putting you to sleep; and Lifter, as a stimulant, daytime use only, best for early mornings, outside in nature, and is the closest thing to an actual Sativa cannabis you can legally buy, but with absolutely zero negative effects. Note: CBD flower does contain trace amounts of THC, so despite being completely 100 percent legal, it is theoretically possible that using this product could cause you to fail a drug test.

4) Raw Garlic.

Another effective remedy, which may actually be the most potent, if you are really really sick, is to take raw garlic. It's a natural antibiotic. And it is so potent and effective it could actually save your life. I personally know a person with a severe abscessed tooth, who couldn't get to the dentist, who was in severe pain, with the whole side of their face completely swollen, and they could have died. But the garlic worked, a combination of taking it internally, as well as topically, which although it burned, and was very painful to take, the problem completely cleared up, and it's been years with no recurring flareups or complications. So raw garlic really is a wonder drug and an essential natural home remedy that should always be in your medicine cabinet. You take 2 to 4 cloves of garlic, mush it up, it helps if you use a garlic press, and combine it with food that will help cover up the taste, and make it more palatable, and easier on the stomach. Personally I have found that mixing it with egg salad on saltine crackers, or pasta sauce and parmesan cheese with either bread, noodles, or rice, is the easiest way to take it. You definitely want to mix it with food, as taking garlic by itself can actually burn your mouth and throat, and cause an upset stomach. 

Just do keep in mind that garlic is a natural blood thinner, and so if you are already on blood thinners, or have a condition in which blood thinners could cause a problem, do be advised of this potential interaction.

5) Steam therapy.

I used a facial steamer, ran a humidifier next to my bed, and sometimes just filled my bathroom sink with hot water, and put a towel over my head, and breathed in the steam. It's also very effective to add essential oils. 

6) Essential Oils.

The most effective essentials for respiratory issues are eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, and peppermint oil. There are others, but I've found these three to be best. I prefer the brand Aura Cacia. I've tried many brands, and this one may be more expensive, but is definitely more potent than other brands, that are often watered down, and not as effective. Either add the oils to hot water, and inhale the steam, or add a few drops to a hot wash cloth, and put on your face (though be sure to avoid getting any oils in your eyes, and also avoid ingesting internally; and also be aware that both Eucalyptus oil and Tea Tree oil is extremely toxic to cats, and can be fatal to them if swallowed, so be careful with it), and it's really nice to use an aromatherapy diffuser, or simply adding a few drops to a tissue, or a towel, and inhaling that way. I never use Glade plugins, or artificial room refreshers, or scented candles, but only use 100 percent pure essential oils in a diffuser for making my home smell really good.

7) Ginger tea. 

I lived on ginger tea everyday for years. I exclusively used Yogi Tea bags. In fact, before the pandemic, when I used to work at a call center, I used to bring a insulated thermos with ginger tea, and drank approximate two cups of ginger tea everyday for years. 

8) Raw honey/lemon. 

If you have a bad sore throat, having a spoonful of raw honey is very helpful, as is a wedge of lemon, either by itself, or combined. Can also be added to various teas, and homemade syrups. 

9) Cayenne pepper. 

This is really potent, and when I was really sick two years ago, I used a lot of this, usually combined with raw honey and lemon. I'd either mix it with a glass of water, or would add it to herbal tea. When I was having difficulty swallowing, this helped a lot. You typically use either 1/8 to 1/4 a teaspoon per cup of water. Only problem is that it's kind of hard on the stomach, and if you have too much, it may cause an upset stomach and vomiting. 

10) Jalapeno peppers and onions. 

These two things really help open up the airways. Also coffee has similar efficacy, especially if it's very strong, espresso, without sugar. If you are having any shortness of breath, chest congestion, excessive mucus, having a lot of onions, jalapenos, and garlic, will really do wonders. But it's really important to mix it up, you don't want to take this stuff by itself on an empty stomach, you need to mix it with other foods, that make it easier to digest. 

11) Quercetin and Turmeric. 

Quercetin is naturally present in onions and peppers. You can take these two in supplement form, and are both really good antioxidants that are helpful in reducing inflammation. 

12) Gargling with either salt water or hydrogen peroxide.

Hot water and approximately 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt. Or two parts water to one part peroxide. Gargle around the back of your throat, and spit out. 

13) Nasal cleanse. 

You can either use a Neti pot, with purified warm water, and premixed saline packs. Or can buy a premade saline nasal spray. I've had really good results using Xlear brand natural nasal spray with saline and Xylitol. Also, a word to the wise, be careful when using any products containing Xylitol, as it's deadly to dogs. I haven't really used it since that last time I was really sick, but I went through a couple bottles of it, and it really helped.

14) Eye compress. 

You can buy the ones made with the gel beads, that you either heat up in the microwave, or put in the freezer, for either hot or cold treatment. Or you can simply use a wash cloth, either heat it up in the microwave, or soak in boiling hot water, or add ice cubes, and place over eyes, for the same effect. This has been a life saver, particularly when I used to get major eyestrain at my job, and suffered from migraine headaches. Though interestingly enough, ever since I've started using CBD, I no longer get migraines, as it's pretty much cured that problem completely.

15) Fire cider. 

This one is really fun. I lived on this stuff when I was working from home. It's probably easier to buy then to make it yourself. But it's basically a blend of apple cider vinegar, onion, garlic, horseradish, hot peppers, citrus, and honey. You take it in shot glasses, helps to really clean out your airways, and soothes a sore throat, and also has quite a kick to it, which is very invigorating.

16) Stay Hydrated. 

Make sure you are drinking adequate amounts of purified water. I typically drink at least 2 quarts of water a day, not including tea or other beverages. Using a reverse osmosis water filter is best, otherwise invest in a decent water filtration pitcher. I recently switched to the Epic brand pitcher, and am very happy with it, it filters out hundreds of chemicals including, microplastics, and fluoride. 

17) Good nutrition.

This is too complex of a subject to really do justice in a paragraph or less, but when you are sick, what you eat has a powerful influence on how well your immune system functions in fighting off your illness. Besides staying away from refined sugars, it's best to avoid all types of fast food, prepackaged microwave dinners, anything that falls under the category of junk food, including soda pop, cigarettes and alcohol. Now I am a beer drinker, I love drinking my craft beers, but if you're feeling a sickness coming on, it is best to avoid drinking all forms of alcohol. Easier said then done, but at the least, if can't completely abstain, at least try to drink less, you know maybe instead of having two beers, only have one, and drink lots of water, herbal teas, and soups with a lot of broth.

18) Soup.

Which reminds that when I was very sick two years ago, and having difficulty swallowing, the staple of my diet became soup. Drink lots of soup. Whether that be chicken noodle soup, or vegetable soup, just make sure it doesn't have MSG, high fructose corn syrup, canola oil, corn oil, GMO ingredients, or artificial preservatives. And although it is preferable to make your soups homemade from scratch, unless you have someone waiting on you, if you're feeling sick you're not going to want to do that, so in this case having canned soup is perfectly fine. 

19) Fresh Air. 

If you are sick it is really important to make sure you have good air circulation. Open a window, use an air purifier, use a fan, and use some essential oils in a diffuser. It'll smell better and you will feel better. It's really important to get those sick smells, that we sweat out of our bodies when we are sick, vented outside, and purified. Even better if you step outside, especially in the morning when the sun rises, and in evening at sunset. Do some stretches, and deep breathing exercises. It's important to stretch your arms and your legs, especially if you've been in bed for a long time. You don't have to do any major exercise, but just get some fresh air, and doing some light stretching exercises is beneficial.

20) Maintain good hygiene. 

Especially if you are sick, you're sweating a lot of impurities, that are ending up on the surface of your skin, and in your hair. So it's very important to regularly rinse off, and to utilize both the benefits of hot water steam therapy, to exfoliate dead skin, as well as the invigorating properties of a cold water rinse. Just keep in mind though that if you don't use a water filter on your bath or shower, you may be absorbing chemical contaminates from the water, so best not to linger too long and make it quick.  

Keep you teeth clean, regularly brush, and floss, and gargle with salt water and peroxide. Personally I use a fluoride free toothpaste, and at least once a month, I brush my teeth with baking soda, is a natural teeth whitener, and helps to remove tea stains.

As a body cleaner I use Doctor Bronner's magic soap. For deodorant I use the crystal stick, with a couple drops of patchouli essential oil. I keep my fingernails short, and clean.  It's really important to keep your fingers out of your nose, out of your mouth, and out of your eyes, as the finger nails are a major source of bacteria, and is a major pathway for spreading disease. I am routinely shocked to see how many people in stores are touching the shopping cart handle without sanitizing it, and then proceed to touch their phones, and then rub their eyes. It's disgusting. 

So, yeah, don't touch your face, and make sure you wash your hands after going to the bathroom, and before and after eating, and preparing meals, as doing so will go a long way in helping you not to get sick, or to make others sick. Oh, yeah, and also go easy on the hand sanitizer. Using too much hand sanitizer actually ends up killing the good bacteria, and may be counter productive, making you more likely to get sick. I prefer to wash my hands, and only use hand sanitizer sparingly, particularly only if hand washing is not an option, and is really only something I use if I'm in a public place, and exposed to a lot of people. I also do not buy my hand sanitizer, but I make my own using a combination of isopropyl alcohol, aloe vera gel, purified water and tea tree oil.


Personally, I avoid all over the counter medications. I do not take any Tylenol or Aspirin or Ibuprofen, or anti-histamines, or any type of over-the-counter cold and flu remedies, or anti-allergy medications. I just personally believe that stuff is poisonous, and does more harm than good. 

I don't get sick very often, but when I do, the methods mentioned here is pretty much what I utilize. Now keep in mind I am not a doctor. This is what works for me, but it may not work for you. If you are very sick, especially if you suspect that you may have Covid, and are elderly or suffering from other co-morbidities, then you may wish to seek professional medical treatment.  But as to myself personally, I consider most hospitals to be death traps, and most doctors to be misinformed, brainwashed salesmen, drug pushers for big pharma, that unless you are suffering from extreme wound trauma, you're more likely to survive if you stay out of the hospital. 

But I just want to add that if you suspect you have Covid, and you are self-treating at home, it's really important to keep an eye on your heart rate and oxygen saturation levels. You can easily monitor those things using a pulse oxy meter, which you can buy online for like ten bucks. Ideally, your oxygen level should be above 95, but if it falls consistently below 90, you may want to see a doctor. 

And for additional information, please take a look at the Zelenko Covid-19 Treatment Protocol.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Golden Days of Blogging

When I first started blogging in 2005, it was a lot of fun, and it seemed really easy to get traffic to my blog with very little effort. I miss the next blog button. It was a major source of daily traffic, and I actually discovered quite a few interesting blogs using that feature. Not sure when it disappeared but it likely coincided with the end of the golden age of blogging, sometime around 2012. 

Back during the golden age of blogging, which I would estimate probably fell between the years 2002 and 2012, free blogs from Blogger and WordPress were heavily represented in Google's top ten search results on any given subject. Now unless the blog is famous, or has thousands of incoming links, if you don't know its exact website address you'll likely never find it listed on Google anymore. 

Such is the case with this blog. Here's four screenshots taken on October 14, 2023 from four different search engines.

Google (5 results):

Bing (50+ results): 

Duck Duck Go (60+ results): 

Yandex (100+ results): 

Of course, it didn't help that I deleted over 500 posts. But at the very least, there should be at least 50 posts listed by Google, the company which owns Blogger, and it's strangely not there. It's like this blog has been partially delisted, or perhaps shadow banned.

But the thing is it's not just this blog. I'm noticing that I'm hardly seeing any blog search results coming up on Google anymore, unless of course you already know how to find them directly. 

I believe this is a form of censorship, to minimize the influence of citizen journalism, spreading alternative, politically incorrect and non-mainstream ideas. 

But it's not just blogs, it's everything. 

I remember back in the golden days of blogging how there used to be so many more websites to choose from. Like if you Googled a term, let's say "The history of the United States government's biological warfare experiments conducted on U.S. citizens without their knowledge or consent" without quotes. And maybe, just for the sake of example, back in 2005 it said there were 50,000+ results. That's just a made up number, but whatever the number was you could actually sit down and go through and view every single one of those results if you were so inclined. 

But now when you search for anything, no matter how many results it shows are available, it only let's you see a tiny handful of them. 

For instance, using that example search query, it says there's over 32 million results: 

And yet, it only let's you view 58 of them: 

And even if you click the option "repeat search with the omitted results included" it only shows maybe 100 more results, but with a bunch of duplicate content. And if you actually analyze the sources, it too is a very narrow selection. 

I mean if you look at politically contentious topics like "black lives matter" and "January 6 insurrection at the capitol" or "Donald Trump election fraud, stolen election". You see most of the very limited results all coming from the same sources, such as CNN, FOX, Wikipedia, Washington Post, New York Times, etc. I mean, that's just a small selection, but if you actually go through all the results, you'll find nothing from Blogger or WordPress, it's mostly all mainstream sources, with a huge amount of duplicate content. 

I don't remember it being like this ten years ago. It appears that Google is now the absolute worst, least accurate, least reliable search engine for finding information. Of course, a lot of stuff is hidden, and can be found by modifying your search query, but still a huge amount appears to be delisted, and I think that is being done intentionally for purposes of censorship. 

I very well may try to blog again at Wordpress and Substack, perhaps posting to all three sites, with the hope that at least one of them gets indexed, but Google is definitely not as good as it used to be, and I wouldn't be surprised if the real reason why is because it's been secretly taken over by a defective AI program, because all the real humans with real intelligence and real integrity got laid off and replaced by faulty intelligence suppressing, misinformation spreading, glitched out "Ministry of Truth" AI robots, who are accountable to no one, and are gradually running the whole company into the ground, and at the same time sending the best minds of Western civilization into the dark ages.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Zombie Apocalypse That Didn't Happen

So, apparently there was a nationwide emergency alert issued today, which prompted a conspiracy theory that something terrible would happen, but I never heard the alert because I stayed home, had my phone off, didn't watch any TV, and didn't go online until this evening. And no, I didn't actually wear a tinfoil hat, I just wrote about it for dramatic effect because it was funny, but I did put my phone in a faraday cage, because I never did that before and was curious to see what would happen. And of course nothing happened at all.

But before you dismiss me as a gullible crackpot, do keep in mind that many infectious diseases have a long incubation period. So, hypothetically, if the vaccinated have been adversely affected by the 5G emergency alert signal released in the UNITED STATES today, which triggered some latent infectious disease pathogen to become activated from the vaccine, it may not be immediately apparent. You know, it could be that a seed has been planted, and it needs time to grow, but when it does, well, I guess they'll say there is another pandemic, and none will be the wiser of what caused it. That's why I chose to write about it, so that there would be a record of it, in case something does happen later down the road.

Just look at the recent Nipah outbreak in India, having an incubation period of 4 to 45 days, and a death rate of 40 to 75 percent. It was in the news a couple weeks ago, and now there's nothing. Did it just disappear over night? No new cases? Was it fake news? Was it blown out of proportion and exaggerated, for reasons of exploiting our fears for clickbait? I don't know. Maybe the same thing with this conspiracy about the cell phone signals triggering a zombie apocalypse, maybe it was just a big joke, or maybe it was disinformation to distract us from something else, or maybe it was an intelligence gathering operation to monitor how people would react, and classify them accordingly. I was aware of the risk, and frankly didn't care. I blogged about it, so I'm sure I've been put on a certain list, you know flagged as a potential political subversive, or maybe a useful idiot, but that's okay, because I was probably on the list already. 

It's not like I want it to happen. If it were to happen it pretty much means that the majority of people I'm related to, and have ever known in my life, are going to be affected, and are going to suffer a tragic end, and are going to be dead within five years. Who knows, maybe I'll be one of them, too. If vaccine shedding is as pervasive as they say, and they've been adding vaccines to plants and animals for years, and there are synthetic nanoparticles intentionally added to the air and the water and the food supply, with the express purpose of killing us, or changing us into something no longer human, then we are all in trouble. 

Of course, I hope my rare blood type and genetics (I remember being in Elementary school and having my blood type tested with the entire class, and these two young women probably in their 20s who were administrating the test, being very amused to learn that I had Rh negative blood, and joking that I might be an alien, an association that was entirely new to me and had never heard of before), makes me immune to these nefarious schemes, but it could just be wishful thinking, and maybe I have no control over the ultimate destiny of my life, that whatever the future has in store for me is completely out of my hands. So be it.  But I really think that vaccines are harmful, and chemtrails, and geoengineering, GMOs, and pesticides, and 5G, and EMF radiation, is harmful to all native biological life on this planet, and so, it's only a matter of time, before enough people and animals die, that people realize that this stuff has to stop. 

It's a shame that our world is completely under the control of evil players, the criminal cartels in control of the government and the big corporations and big pharma and the military and the intelligence agencies, I guess what is referred to as the Deep State, who view the majority of humans as expendable factory farmed cattle, and not worthy of personal sovereignty, self-determination, or enlightenment.

It is what it is. 

It was good to turn off my phone, my television, and my computer. It is apparent to me that I have become a full blown internet addict, and probably would benefit from taking a several day break. I really do need to find a job, but maybe I need to take a vacation first, with no internet and no TV, outside and on the road and under the stars. It's finally starting to cool down now, so I just might do it, go on that bicycle tour that I've been talking about going on for many years now. I have everything I need to do it. I've got the bike, the gear, the money, and the time, only thing stopping me is laziness and fear. 

Maybe I will. We'll see. 

Meanwhile, I've just got to stay strong, still doing my daily pushups, and pullups, and building up my aerobic base, and the only reason I haven't been doing more is because it's been so oppressively hot for so long, really kills the motivation, but fortunately the extreme heat is finally subsiding, although, it's still getting into the 80s and 90s, but it's so much better than the 100s, and I can actually enjoy being outside without feeling like I'm being slowly baked to death and suffocated in an oven, which is really a horrible way to live. So yeah, need to take advantage of it while I can, and if all goes well hopefully I'll be able to write about it here.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Time to Get out Your Tin Foil Hats

This is a short notice warning, but better late than never. 

I hope my readers were sensible enough not to get vaccinated, and if you did sorry to hear that. Either way, even if you aren't vaccinated, odds are you know people who are, and there's a conspiracy theory going around that says that the emergency alert that's going to be released in the UNITED STATES on October 4, 2023, and possibly on October 11, 2023, at 2:20 pm Eastern Time, will trigger some sort of harmful reaction in the vaccinated. 

So, besides turning off your phones and your televisions and your internet, you may want to stay away from vaccinated people if you can help it. If not, well, best of luck. My mom thinks I'm crazy for falling for this, but my motto is it doesn't hurt to err on the side of caution, and taking a day off from going online, watching TV, and using your phone, could be a positive thing.


Comments: It's not enough to just turn your phone off, you also need to put it into a Faraday cage. Don't have a faraday cage, well, you can improvise one, just wrap it in a layer of plastic wrap, and a couple layers of aluminum foil. Also, I'm told putting it in a microwave oven, of course don't turn it on, but just for storage, or if you have a steel trash can with a lid, that will work too. 

Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing, probably just a hoax, but it doesn't hurt to be careful. Also, if you want to be extra cautious, remove your smart watches, turn them off, and put them in the faraday cage too, and do the same with any old mobile phones you may have lying around, and also make sure you unplug your television, radios, and your internet modem/router and Wi-Fi, if you have it. 

I'm glad I don't have a job to go to tomorrow, because I'm staying home, staying away from people, and will be taking the day off from going online. It'll be hard, as I read a lot of news articles, and Substacks, throughout the day, so I'm going to be completely in the dark, and will have no idea what is happening in the world until probably Wednesday night. I'm going to shut everything off tonight before I go to bed, so I don't forget. I'm also going to be watching my neighbors like a hawk, and looking for any abnormal signs, you know things like seizures, aggressiveness, or any other noticeable changes in personality or appearance, and I advise you do the same. 

Be vigilant, and be safe. 

Source: Free Your Mind Documentaries @