
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Yuval Harari and the AI Death Cult

I want to say one more thing about Yuval Noah Harari before I move on to other things. 

In one of his lectures he says: 

"Netflix tells us what to watch, and Amazon tells us what to buy. Eventually within ten or twenty or thirty years, such algorithms could also tell you what to study at college, and where to work, and whom to marry, and even for whom to vote."

Comments: He presents this like it's a good thing, but it's really about controlling people, eliminating consciousness, and destroying the human race. Because what ultimately makes people different from, and arguably better than, animals and machines, is our ability to reason, to think, to ask questions, and to make conscious choices. 

If you remove those elements, you get a person who no longer has free agency. Instead, you have a person who becomes the perfect consumer, the perfect conformist, the perfect dutiful robot who does what they are told and doesn't ask why. 

In another presentation, he talks about his experience of finding out he was gay, how long he struggled with it and how emotionally difficult it was for him, and how much better it would have been if he had simply been told he was gay from day one, basically saying that if only the technology had existed to determine a person's sexual preference at birth, the world would be a better place. 

In both of these examples he is suggesting that it is better to be told by some authority what you are, rather than having the freedom to figure it out for yourself and to ultimately make your own choices.

His philosophy embraces the rejection of free will, in favor of determinism, but since Harari also rejects God, his source of determinism comes not from God, or from the natural order of the universe, or even from reality itself, but rather is coming from Artificial Intelligence. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what that sounds like to me, he wants to remove the authority from God and from people, and to give it to AI. 

But the thing is AI is programmed by people, and AI is owned and ultimately controlled by people, the people who own all the data and who have all the money, who have their own political biases, conflicts of interest, and agendas, so its content is not neutral or objective, and is severely open to manipulation, and even hacking. It sounds like these people who agree with Harari, namely members of the World Economic Forum and advocates of technocracy and transhumanism, it's like they are some kind of weird cult that doesn't believe in God, but they seem to regard AI as something to replace God, something that will be the ultimate authority, and judge, and shaper of reality and determination of everything that a person is and does. 

So what happens if everything you do is determined by a computer algorithm? A computer program tells you what to buy, what to eat, what books to read, what to study in school, what career path to follow, who to be friends with, who to date, where to live, what to do, and what to think. When you take away a persons freedom to make their own choices and to think for themselves, the person becomes a slave to their "destiny", they become like a robot, a member of a hive, or a brainwashed member of a cult, with no consciousness of their own. And that's the society that Harari and the World Economic Forum he represents are seeking to create. 

It's basically Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

If you never read that book, or watched the movie, it's not a utopia, it's a dystopia. It's not about genuinely making the world a better place to live in for all, it's not about empowering people, it's about consolidating power, and increasing control of the many by the few. It's kind of like how things are now, but only 100 times worse. 

In case you didn't notice, I'm not a fan of Yuval Noah Harari. Although I haven't read his books yet, I've watched numerous interviews and have read several articles highlighting what he believes, and what he stands for, and I can honestly say that not only am I opposed to everything this guy represents, I truly believe that despite how supposedly smart and well read and how highly regarded he is by much of the global elite, I think my problem with him is not simply a matter of ideological difference, it's more so coming from my intuitive observation that this person is severely mentally ill, as in being a bona fide psychopath, and could quite possibly be a victim of mind control, and maybe even demonic possession. 

You know, after all he is a gay man, and gay men who engage in anal sex, are prone to contracting anal parasites, which from an occult perspective is said to be a potential pathway for possession, which typically manifests as corresponding symptoms of mental illness, lack of empathy, the rejection of the true and the beautiful, and the embrace of ugly perversions. 

I know that sounds crazy, especially if you don't believe in occult phenomena, but I'm just calling it like I see it, that this guy is clearly a very spiritually damaged person, and it shows most dramatically in his lack of empathy, and his egomaniac hubris. 

What makes his ideology so dangerous though is that Harari has the backing of extreme wealth, he appears to be one of the masterminds, or at least the primary intellectual spokesperson for the New World Order, and there is nothing more dangerous than a cabal of wealthy psychopaths, who not only reject God, because they think they are above God, but who also have the hubris to reject humanity, too, because they believe that they have the intellectual superiority to engineer something better. That because they've got AI and 5G and are soon to unleash an army of humanoid robots into the marketplace, who don't think, who don't reason, who don't question, and so they become perfect slaves, which is their ideal worker.

It's the ultimate act of egomaniac hubris, not only do they reject God, but they seek to usurp the power of God, by becoming gods themselves, and eventually eliminating the vast majority of humans by replacing us with AI powered robots engineered in a lab, and perhaps keeping a few of us around as genetically modified androids who have lost the ability to think, who they keep as pets and for other amusements, or perhaps to help supervise the robots when they end up not performing completely up to standards. 

It sounds like science fiction, but it's actually very real. These people are completely insane and they have so much money that they think they have the power to remake the world in their own image, even if it destroys the world in the process. This doesn't have to happen. People can resist, put up a fight, and stop it from being implemented, but the fact is this is definitely what they are planning, and Harari is the main spokesman for this agenda, which pretty much sounds like it's some kind of an AI death cult, promising immortality and superhuman abilities for the chosen ones of the elect, and death and enslavement for everybody else.

Monday, December 4, 2023

A Bleak Forecast for the Future

Harari "The Demon"
Beautiful nose,
but ugly soulless eyes
and pointy demon ears. 

Yuval Noah Harari on "useless people":

"The biggest question maybe in economics and politics in the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people."

"The problem is boredom, and what to do with people, and how will they find some sense of meaning in life when they are basically meaningless, worthless. My best guess at present is a combination of drugs and computer games as a solution for most." 

Comments: What is a useless person? Someone who doesn't have a job? Someone who doesn't have any money? I lost my job to AI, does that mean I'm now useless? Does that mean that the homeless, the disabled, the children and the elderly, have no value either? 

Who says that having money and a job is the sole measure of a persons worth? I work for money but actually I value my free time much more highly than my time spent on the clock as an employee. What I do outside of work is personally more meaningful to me than what I do at work. So this concept that a persons value is solely determined by their occupation, and if they can be replaced by AI it now means this person is useless, is such a flawed and foreign concept to me.

Of course, you need to have some form of income, and having a job that contributes something of value is good for your mental health, but it is by no means the total measure of ones worth as a human being. Anyone who says otherwise is really diminishing the human experience, and is thinking in quite limited terms. I think that attitude is one that can only arise from a materialist perspective, one which is completely lacking in self-knowledge and wisdom. The notion that human beings value is solely determined by their economic contribution, is symptomatically arising from the blatant rejection of God, someone completely lacking the perspective which recognizes the sacred divinity inherent in all living things. 

To me the most valuable experiences in life cannot be measured in terms of money or economic output.

I think this whole concept of categorizing humans as either useful or useless, must be coming from the point of view of the slave master, which is who Harari represents: the people who own the data, are the people with all the money. People like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos and the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. 

That's what we are really talking about here, the rich versus the poor, where the rich will get to live forever, and the poor will get to be euthanized and branded as obsolete. 

Harari says that they will be given drugs and video games, but why would they even bother to give them that? What do they get out of it? 

I think it's a lie. Instead, I think the people that Harari represent plan to kill everybody that they deem to be useless. Whether it's through vaccination, biological warfare, turbo cancer, guns and bombs and nuclear war, mass starvation, global warming, global cooling, death from freezing to death, or death from being cooked alive. 

What if they have the technology to control the weather, to cause floods and droughts, ice ages and blizzards, heatwaves and wildfires? What if they have the technology to trigger a pole reversal? The elite get to hunker down in their fallout shelter for 10 years, and have the knowledge and resources to resurface to start the world anew, with all the useless eaters removed. 

That's a dystopic vision. It may not happen, but it could. 

So what happens when AI and robotics replace all the jobs performed by people? I mean it could happen. I never thought truck drivers and cashiers and retail stockers could be replaced, but they can, with self-driving vehicles, self-checkout lanes, robot stockers and drones, it is theoretically possible for most jobs to be replaced by machines. Even professional jobs, doctors and nurses, writers and teachers, advice columnists and therapists, could be replaced by AI. For now the blue collar trades, like plumbers and electricians and police officers and firemen, seem secure, but even they eventually could be replaced by robots. Even prostitutes could be replaced by AI powered sex dolls that look like supermodels. 

Honestly, there's probably no job immune. If you haven't been laid off yet, it's coming, it's just a matter of time.  I think Harari knows this. And I think that's what it all comes down to, whether you are useful or useless comes down to whether you are rich or poor, whether you are in the club of very important people, or not.

Your only hope is if you have money and resources to survive without being somebody's employee. If you end up on welfare, or qualify for social security, you'll probably be put on a list for liquidation at some future time. 

Otherwise, the only other hope is that laws are drafted and enforced that forbid artificial intelligence from being allowed to replace every job. It doesn't have to happen. They could make it illegal. Even if they have the ability to develop robots and AI that can do every job that humans currently do, it doesn't mean they have to. Perhaps they could make sure to preserve enough jobs to keep people occupied. Also, working doesn't have to be all about making money, it could also be about improving physical fitness, about learning, socializing, and having fun. 

Also, I think learning is a huge factor in experiencing a meaningful life. Not everybody likes to read. That doesn't mean they aren't smart or don't know things. Some people prefer listening to podcasts, watching videos, and talking to smart people that teach them things directly, like an oral tradition of acquiring knowledge and skills, learning by listening, observing, and by actually doing, rather than reading. Many people hate school and would never want to go back. But learning doesn't have to be a chore, it doesn't even have to be useful, it can be fun. Even the poorest student must have things they are interested in, that they'd probably enjoy learning more about. Whether it's sports or cooking or woodworking or motorcycles, playing a musical instrument, or learning how to box, hobbies can be cultivated and should be encouraged. 

The fact that the only thing Harari can suggest to occupy these so-called useless people is to give them video games and drugs, and I suppose some sort of universal basic income, which is really a euphemism for welfare, instead of promoting education and the virtues of following ones own bliss for its own sake, and that it's possible to cultivate a sense of joy and wonder at any age, and doing so is absolutely instrumental to making life meaningful, even more so than money and occupation, suggests that this guy is not working in the interests of humanity, but rather is working as a dark force hellbent on our destruction.

I think the solution to the problem is clear. AI has got to go, and by extension this means 5G and the Internet of things. Of course, they say that it's here to stay, and failure to adapt is my problem not there's, but unless it's regulated, tightly controlled, and prevented from completely taken over every every aspect of our lives, it's going to lead to a massive extinction level die-off event, and I don't know how it's going to be stopped, but I know it must happen. It's either them or us. I see no other alternative. 

Otherwise, someday in the future you may find yourself living in a pod, eating bugs, and playing video games like a lobotomized zombie, while being slowly boiled alive like a frog in a witches cauldron, as they've got you drugged up on a slow drip of state sponsored euthanasia. You drank the Kool-Aid, and mistakenly thought you were going to live forever in this welfare utopia of video games and drugs, but all along it was all a big fat lie, and you were really just a pig being fattened up for slaughter. 

Friday, December 1, 2023

Running Update and Recommended Clothing

So I've been running for a few months now, and I'm definitely making good progress. I'm not feeling sore anymore after my runs, because I've learned the importance of warming up and stretching, which has made a world of difference. 

Am currently running about a 12 minute mile, which is slow, even for my age, but when I first started a few months ago, I was like in the 14 minute range, which is embarrassing, but you've got to start somewhere. I'm currently running two miles, 2 to 4 times a week, with the goal being to run 3 miles in 30 minutes or less. 

Before the pandemic, I was actually very fit, road my bike thousands of miles a year, for several years, and also did a lot of hiking, though only ran occasionally, and back in 2020 my VO2 max was about 38, which was good for my age group, but thanks to the pandemic, working from home and not riding my bike to and from work anymore, and also getting really sick in 2021, which was probably Covid, but I wasn't tested so I don't know for sure, I pretty much stopped exercising for a year, and my VO2 Max actually fell down to 32 for a bit, which is really bad, but over the last year my fitness has been substantially improving. 

I've finally been able to raise my VO2 Max back up to 37, which is in the good range for my age group, and I feel confident that I'll be able to raise it up to 40, which is in the excellent range, in a few months. 

I actually feel very good and am presently experiencing the best health of my life, and feel even stronger and healthier than I was before the pandemic, even though I'm three years older. 

Anyway, now that the weather has finally cooled down around here, with temps today in the 50s, I thought I'd mention some of the clothing items I wear for cooler weather running and cycling, which I've recently added to my wardrobe, which have turned out to be some of the best purchases I've ever made, that I now consider to be absolutely essential and would never want to go without. 

1) Neck Gaiter. 

Rain or shine, hot or cold, whether running, hiking, longboarding, or cycling, I never leave home without wearing a neck gaiter. When worn over your mouth and nose, it protects against dust, car exhaust, and bugs. It offers sun protection. It keeps you warm when cold, and it helps to keep you cool when hot. It can also be pulled up to cover your ears, or worn as a hat. I used to wear a bandana around my neck, but the neck gaiter seems more versatile, and also looks better.

2) Arm warmers. 

These are mostly marketed to cyclists, but they work for everything. I find them to be extremely useful, and I don't know how I went so long without trying them. Again, they are extremely versatile, use them to provide extra warmth, and also to provide sun protection. What's really nice about them is that it's easier to regulate your temperature then wearing long sleeves. They provide better ventilation, where not only can you roll your sleeves up, you can also roll them down, venting your armpits. They also take up very little space, so if you overheat, you can easily take them off, and pack them in a pocket.

3) Leg warmers. 

To me, because I live in the desert, it's usually very sunny all year round, and so even when it's cold outside, with the bright sunshine, it can feel pretty warm, and is easy to overheat, so cycling specific leg warmers can be preferable to wearing tights, and even pants, especially when running or cycling. I prefer to wear shorts, and the leg warmers make it easier to regulate your temperature, and are much easier to remove then pants when out in public, and just like the arm warmers, they take up very little room, and are easy to roll up and stuff in a pocket. 

4) Merino wool t-shirts. 

This is something I just upgraded to a couple months ago. I've previously been wearing synthetic fiber athletic t-shirts and cycling jerseys when exercising, but besides smelling really bad, the synthetic materials may also transfer to your skin, crossing the blood brain barrier, and may cause hormonal disruptions, which is definitely not good for your health. Also, because I use natural deodorant, which doesn't last very long, I was getting tired of leaving a trail of stink, whenever I'd go into stores. 

Ever since I switched to wearing a lightweight merino wool base layer, I've had no BO at all. It's truly a miracle fiber. I mean, I could wear the same shirt for two weeks, without showering, run or ride my bike everyday, and do an intense cardio work out, and there will be no bad odor whatsoever. Merino wool is like a natural deodorant. It actually has anti-bacterial properties. It just seems like I'm regulating my temperature better than before, it keeps me cool when it's hot and warm when it's cold, and I'm not sweating as much, and overall I'm feeling much more comfortable, I absolutely love it. 

I bought four lightweight merino wool t-shirts when they were on sale, because they can be kind of expensive, some brands being as much as $100 a piece, and I just rotate them. I wear them everyday, 24 hours a day, for running, for cycling, for sleeping, for everything. Merino wool has truly become a wardrobe essential. And if I ever have to dress up, or wear anything nicer, I will wear it as an undershirt. And I also plan on eventually upgrading to merino wool shorts and pants and underwear, but at over $40 a pair, it'll have to wait.

5) Patagonia Houdini Windbreaker. 

This was kind of expensive, but really worth it. I get so much use out of it. What I really like about it over other windbreakers I've tried, is that not only does it do a really good job at blocking the wind, it's super lightweight, packs down really small, and most importantly it's breathable. It keeps you warm when you need it to, but you will never overheat wearing this. It's the best wind breaker I've ever used, and I think it is well worth the extra price, especially if it will last for many years, which I think it will.

Of course, add to this list, a good pair of running shoes, running shorts, running cap, sunglasses, and a running watch with heart rate monitor. What do I use? 

Shoes? Brooks Ghost. Shorts? I've been wearing these Roadrunner Sports 5 inch inseam running shorts, and am very happy with them. Hat? Outdoor Research Sun Runner cap. Sunglasses? Bolle wraparound with polarized lenses. Watch? Garmin Instinct 2S. An extravagant purchase, but I use it all the time, and am very happy with it. 

Also, I always bring pepper spray, and depending on the temperature, or how far I plan to run, usually a small water bottle. I never wear headphones when running, as I run in an urban environment and need to be aware of my surroundings. And there are some terrible drivers here, that will run you over if you are not paying attention.