
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Value of Rest and Relaxation

In my last post about natural remedies for treating Covid, I left out possibly the most important thing of all, which is the value of rest and relaxation. I guess I took it for granted that it was so obvious that it didn't need to be stated. But sometimes people despite knowing what they should do, end up ignoring their gut instincts and doing the exact opposite. 

There are many reasons for this. Perhaps they underestimate how sick they really are, or they overestimate how strong they are, figuring that as long as they take a few treatments, that they can continue their daily activities as normal. Perhaps they are a workaholic and don't want to stop, needing to push forward no matter what. 

The working poor are at the biggest disadvantage here, perhaps they cannot afford to take the day off from work, or perhaps they have no sick pay coming to them, and if they don't work, they don't get paid. Or maybe they will not have enough money to pay their bills, or maybe they might risk getting fired. Or maybe they are a parent or caregiver responsible for other people, perhaps small children, or elderly persons, and if they are sick in bed resting, it means there is no one available to take care of their dependents. So the poor have it the hardest, are more likely to force themselves to work when sick, and have a higher death rate as a result. 

But rest is so vitally important that failure to do so, particularly at the first signs of feeling unwell, can be the difference between life and death. 

I'm not rich, and by some peoples estimates, I would be classified as being poor, but I would never define myself as being poor, because I have savings, and I have everything I could possibly need, and am not in want of anything. Even though I am currently unemployed, I'm actually doing okay. Only because I'm a saver. When I'm working I am always saving for a rainy day. I know how to live frugally. I also do not have children. I keep my expenses low. I can survive a long time without working, even without help from my family. The point is it's possible, even if you are working poor, to save for a rainy day, to have a nest egg to see you through, to give you the peace of mind, that if you are sick, and can't work, that you can afford to rest and recuperate. 

It just comes down to your priorities in life, of what you value most. Do you want to live from check to check, forced to work when you are sick, and putting yourself at risk for early preventable death? Or do you make sacrifices in life, and figure out how no matter how much or how little you make, in the way of money, you can still manage to save as much as possible, so that you will be prepared, so you don't have to live check to check, or work when you are sick. 

You know, for whatever reason, whether it's because you really need the money, fear losing your job, or simply because you are a workaholic who can't stop, that you force yourself to work even when you are sick, what good is it all for if you end up dropping dead suddenly from exhaustion? Same thing with vaccine mandates. People forced to get a vaccine in order to keep their job, but what good is it really, if you end up permanently disabled, or dying suddenly?  

It does happen. And I'm talking before Covid, too. You'd hear about these super healthy and athletic young people in their early 30s and 40s, dropping dead from the flu, all because they wouldn't stop to rest. So, yeah, rest is so vitally important. If you are feeling a sickness coming on, load up on extra vitamin C, completely stay away from sugar, and junk food, and follow the other treatment methods mentioned in the previous post, but most importantly, make sure you take a rest day, or two, or three; depending on what you need, because it is not worth playing Russian roulette with your life. 

Rest is just as important as any medicine you take, in fact, any treatment you take pretty much requires that you combine it with adequate rest for it to work. Otherwise, if you take a medicine, whether it's prescribed by a doctor, or whether you are using a natural remedy such as garlic, or raw honey and onions, if you don't receive adequate rest while taking it, it slows down the healing process, and it pretty much makes it ten times harder for you to recover. 

So, please, if you are feeling sick, make sure you get plenty of rest and relaxation, because doing so really can be the determining factor in whether you live or die, and will make all the difference in speeding up the healing process, so that you can get back to what you need to do, stronger and healthier than ever before.

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