
Monday, March 25, 2024

Secrets of the Darion Gap

I watch this YouTube channel periodically: The Shawn Ryan Show. 

He usually has people on who are former military, intelligence agents, or whistleblowers, usually involving some type of clandestine activity or government corruption. 

Anyway, I'm aware everything coming out of this channel could be propaganda, as whenever you have these types divulging secrets, it's usually because they represent certain interests that want you thinking a certain way, that want you arriving at conclusions that they've carefully crafted for you, not because they are committed to exposing the truth, but because they are paid propagandists. 

Okay, this goes for people like Edward Snowden, too, you know is he really a patriotic whistleblower, or is he still on the company payroll, and just playing an extended deep cover role?  Obviously we'll never know for sure, but from my understanding, the fact is, the military and intelligence agencies operate a lot like the mob, that you cannot ever really leave, retire, or quit, once you become a member of those groups, you're in it for life. I mean I guess a person could become an outlaw and go rogue, but in this case, they are probably not going to have their own YouTube channel. 

Anyway, that being said, that doesn't mean that there isn't useful information to be gained here, it's just that you have to be a critical thinker, and don't just passively accept the conclusions they are giving you, but instead gather the information and decide for yourself. 

I've seen this guy before, the guy being interviewed. He's been featured on Redacted and Muckraker, as an investigative journalist whose been on location for months now covering what's been going on with the migrants coming through the Darion Gap. He's a pudgy little bald guy, didn't really think much of him, in all honesty, but apparently he's a former Green Beret. 

In this interview he talks about there being a strategically coordinated plan of sending migrants, not just into the US, but sending them to specific strategically important port cities, such as New York City and Chicago, with the purpose of causing collapse of those cities. 

For instance, by overburdening the shelter system, the hospitals, the schools, causing skyrocketing crime, drastically lowering the quality of life for everyone, and basically bankrupting the cities. 

Okay, basically it's an act of warfare. Which is not to say that all the migrants are in on it, most of them are probably just genuinely impoverished people seeking a better life, but they are being used as pawns in the game to conceal the more nefarious elements among them, who are strategically coordinating attacks on the system on orders given by a higher authority. 

Some say this higher authority is George Soros, the United Nations, and the WEF. Others point to Russia or China. Either way, whatever is happening is most likely part of the New World Order Agenda. 

The other thing pointed out in this video is that there is a new road being built through or around the Darion gap, to further expedite the amount of people coming through, but the aim is not just to destroy the infrastructure of certain key cities, but ultimately it's about obtaining control of the Panama Canal. 

I guess whoever controls the Panama canal obtains a huge amount of power over the global economy, and if it were a game of chess, taking the panama canal would be equivalent to taking the queen. 

I'm sure there's probably a lot more going on, probably involving aliens, too. I mean really, everyday there's fighter jets flying over my city, like more than normal, sometimes all day long, and I wonder if they are fighting UFO's that are not detectable to the human eye. Like there could be an invisible war going on in the sky right now. Of course the whole thing could be a PSYOP: building up to the Project Bluebeam, aka fake alien invasion and/or second coming of Christ. 

I don't know, but whatever it is things are definitely getting stranger by the day. That is for sure. 

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