
Sunday, January 21, 2024

How to Read Twitter Without Having a Twitter Account

So, today I just want to share a tip with you, that you may not know about, which could be helpful to you. 

I don't have a Twitter account. I tried it for awhile, but didn't like it. Even though I'm well aware that it would most likely help increase traffic to this site, I'm just not very interested in social networking.

Anyway, since Musk has taken over Twitter, now X, I'm sure you've noticed changes that he's made, where you can no longer access a full Twitter feed and its comments without being signed into Twitter.  

Well, there are quite a few Twitter feeds that I like to read, but I didn't want to sign up for Twitter again just to be able to read them. 

So, I found a solution to the problem. It's called Just enter the @username of whatever Twitter page you want to read, and it will convert the entire Twitter page in full to, enabling you to read it without ever needing to log into Twitter again. 

Pretty cool, huh?

I may at some point make a post listing interesting Twitter feeds, but for now, here's one that I just recently discovered, which has become a daily read. Their handle is @karma44921039. Here's a screenshot of their page converted to 


I have no idea who this person is. Anyone know? Are they a public figure, somebody famous? A journalist in real life, not just on Twitter? And also, is that profile picture really them? When I first saw it I thought that's a nice looking woman, but it's probably not what they really look like. Their probably either some bald headed fat dude in his 50s, or a pimple faced teenage prankster pretending to be this attractive woman. But then I noticed that if you look down at her legs, no offense, but she's got thunder thighs! I mean, seriously, if you're going to post a fake picture of yourself, would you pick one that makes you look fat? So, who knows, maybe it is real.

Anyway, it's a very interesting Twitter feed, lot's of thought provoking, mind expanding, video clips and memes. I highly recommend paying it a visit. Also, if you've never heard of before, I hope you found this tip useful. 

January 28 Update: 

The Ministry of Truth "bots" must be "reading" my blog, because it now appears that has been shut down. Here's the alternative:

It's basically a list of regularly updated Nitter mirrors, as instances are shut down, new ones will appear on this list. That bastard Musk, it's only a matter of time before you'll need to upload your government issued ID just to read Twitter.

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