
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Why Transgenderism Should be Illegal

I used to have a more liberal viewpoint on transgenderism. I figured as long as they aren't hurting anyone, it's their own body, their own choice, and they should have the freedom to do whatever they want with their own body, and no one should be persecuted or discriminated against for it.

But it is now apparent to me that sex change operations, and that whole process of taking puberty blockers, and transgender hormone therapy, is extremely dangerous and harmful to human health, in both the short-term and the long-term. Prospective patients and their parents are consistently being lied to and deceived with many of the safety risks being downplayed and ignored. That much of the information presented in the form of pamphlets and disseminated by doctors and teachers and therapists and pro transgender organizations is highly propagandized, where it's being pushed as mostly safe and effective, when actually the opposite is true. The truth is that it's a completely experimental process, with a horrible safety record, and really it's all about the money.  

Who knew that a female to male sex change operation costs over a million dollars. Or that if this person transitioned at the age of 14 and lived to be 85, they'd pay out another million dollars over their lifetime just for the hormone therapy, and that's not even factoring in the cost of complications. But the biggest shock of all was to learn that a female that transitions into a male at the age of 14 would be lucky if they lived to be 30. Because it is absolutely destructive to their health. What kind of parent would allow their child to do this? One that has not been told the truth, who has been lied to, who has been conned and manipulated into thinking they are helping, when they are actually only helping to kill their own children. 


Source: MediaGiant @ 

Comments: This is the best video against transgenderism I've ever seen. If this doesn't convince you that transgenderism should be illegal, I don't know what will. It talks all about how horribly destructive this operation is to the human body, how it shortens the lifespan, and that it really is a big money making racket, and a huge con game manipulating people into supporting this, thinking they are helping these people, because otherwise maybe they'd commit suicide, but what they don't tell you is that the suicide rate actually increases after transitioning. They've brainwashed so many people, mostly young people under age 25, and a lot of children, because they are pushing this big time in public schools now, and also is really being pushed among those who consider themselves far left liberal, deceptively lumping the whole transgender movement together with Civil Rights, Gay Rights, Women's Rights, labeling anyone who doesn't support this as a transphobic, intolerant bigot, but it's all a huge lie. 

Related reading:

*Note: I haven't read this book yet, but looks like a good one. 

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