
Friday, August 11, 2023

Thoughts on Vaccination Status, Intelligence and Intuition

I'm not sure what my actual IQ score is, but I remember taking a non-professionally administered IQ test as a kid, and scored around 120. Of course, this test may not have been accurate, but if it was, it means that I'm above average intelligence, but far from being a genius.  

I also remember that when I was in elementary and middle school in the 1980s, every year or so, we used to take these standardized tests, but they never told us our scores. It turns out they were IQ tests. Where the results were sealed up in a file, locked away in some classified dossier, and it's anybody's guess who had access to it, or if it still exists to this day.

I remember being in middle school, and having emotional problems that affected my school work, and I was getting poor grades, and so I had regular meetings with my school guidance counselor, and he was trying to understand why my grades were so low, despite me having some of the highest standardized test scores in the school. I didn't know what my exact score was, but was told it was very high. 

Also, I have this vague memory, probably when I was around 12 or 13 years old, of having a meeting with my school guidance counselor, who was this creepy little Jewish man who looked like a pedophile, who tried to recruit me to go to some special school for the gifted, but it was a boarding school in another city, and I didn't want to leave my friends and family, so I declined. Then I remember at a later time regretting it, and asking him if I could still do it, and he said no, it was a one time offer, apparently there were limited vacancies, and it was no longer an option. I'm glad I didn't go along with it, because it was probably some secret government run MKULTRA program, where I probably would have become some mind controlled assassin, and would probably be dead by now. 

The point is, it wasn't my intelligence that saved me, it was my strong powers of intuition. 

This is the same factor I feel that is at play in my choice not to be vaccinated. 

Although I did receive my childhood vaccines, which fortunately back then were only a small handful compared to how many they give now, I have never received a vaccine as an adult, and have never received a flu shot ever in my life, and that's probably a contributing factor of why I am very healthy, look 20 years younger, and rarely ever get sick. 

A lot of really smart unvaccinated people seem to think that to get or not get the vaccine is a real-world IQ test, and that if you're vaccinated, it means you're an idiot. And of course the high IQ vaccinated think the same thing about the unvaccinated, that the unvaccinated are idiots. 

So which is it? You've got really smart, super educated professionals, scientists and medical doctors on both sides of the debate, that are for and against vaccinations. And of course, you've also got those people who are ordinarily for vaccines, but just not all of them, particularly when certain safety signals have been triggered. Which makes sense. For example, if you're making a medicine to treat high blood pressure, and during clinical trials people actually get worse, or not any better, you should stop administering this drug, but that doesn't necessarily mean all high blood pressure medication is bad. So too with the vaccines. 

But then you've got some people that have total faith in all vaccines, no matter what, that they will continue to support vaccines that should have been pulled because they are either making the problem worse or not helping at all, simply because they mistakenly believe that since it has been approved then it must be safe, and fail to see that the experts and governmental authority figures are capable of getting it wrong and are capable of flat out lying to the public because they themselves have been corrupted. 

And that's called cognitive dissonance.

Anyway, it appears that the resistance to vaccines involves more than a persons IQ or educational level, since there are smart people in both groups. There's got to be some other personality factor involved. And I don't think it's conscientiousness, either, because on the Big Five personality test I score almost 100 percent, and yet, supposedly the official line has been that it's conscientious to get vaccinated in order to protect others. So despite being one of the most conscientious people on the planet, thanks to my intuition I saw through that propaganda effortlessly. 

Again, I think the main factor is probably intuition, some of us naturally have a higher developed level of intuition than others that we instinctively know what to do and what to stay away from. It's kind of like a built in compass. But it's also perhaps illustrative of a persons level of trust or distrust of authority, and level of faith in "the experts" or government itself, and that maybe that distrust is coming from their intuition, as we are able to see the big picture beyond the details, and beyond the words of public service announcements put out by the CDC and the WHO. And also have the perspective of weighing in on the historical precedent of government corruption, of corporate manipulation of data, of biological warfare and harmful experiments conducted on populations by their own governments, corporations, and the Department of Defense. 

That being said it's quite possible that a vaccinated person with a high IQ and a Masters degree or higher could have simply been unaware of the historical precedent of corruption. And again the factor most likely responsible for that is probably intuition, that if they had access to the intuition in the first place they definitely would have made themselves aware of it, just like I have. So, yeah, I'm going to stick with this theory. 

The key insight I get from the realization of this is that the single greatest thing we can do to make the world a better place to live in, is to improve the intuitive knowledge of each and every single living person on this planet. If we can do that, there would be a great renaissance of prosperity for all. 

Unfortunately, it is also my intuition that some of these vaccines may actually be working to destroy a persons intuition, and when that happens, you've got a slave species without a soul, who are more easily controlled, because once a person loses their moral compass and the power of the intuitive mind, they can only look to "the experts" and the authority figures to tell them what to do, because they will be incapable of figuring it out themselves.

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