
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Random Insight Number 02-20-24

So, I noticed that when I'm talking to someone in person, like, for instance, at the grocery store, and I move my hands when I talk, you know, "speaking with the hands", that I tend to have my left hand up and my right hand down, both hands held palms up, like a cup, which is an intuitive gesture of openness and honesty, and the complete opposite of this:
It's an unnatural positioning. It's a position depicting underhandedness and deception. In one hand the arm is raised as if wielding a sword, but a sword that you can't quite see. On the other hand, it's as if it could be reaching for a pocket knife. When I look at this picture and think about mirroring the positioning of the hands, I can't do it, it's like there is a force field preventing me from doing so. Not that it's physically impossible, but just that I think that there is a memory reminding me not to go there, similar to a child being told at a young age not to touch the hot stove, even though you haven't yet personally experienced the harm yourself, you trust the guidance of your elders.

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